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Re: All that 666 stuff

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Dan Dick wrote:

> What can we do with this?  Should we go out and buy stock in 666 gadgets because everyone will be required to have one injected or imprinted into his or her forehead or right hand?  If this idea turns out to be wrong, then stock in 666 devices will go down and crash because nobody will want or need them.  If the idea is correct, then our stock gains will be of no use unless we intend to take the implant and sell our souls to the devil, because without this device, we will not be able to buy or sell anything--stock included.


I think that you have got it.  You won't be able to get a job, buy food,
rent or buy a house, banking or any normal functions of life as we know
Just to expand on this message from Charles Wright:

National ID Card:

The National ID Card is now federal law and the state of Georgia is
leading the way in its implementation, as reported by Cyndee Parker.  

In September of 1996, President Clinton signed into law, the Illegal
Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act.  Buried at
approximately page 650 of the new national Defense Bill, also know as
Public Law 104-208, Part B, Title IV, the American public was given a
national ID card.  With no fanfare, no publicity and no scrutiny, the
bill easily avoided the watchful eyes of even its most aggressive

In Section 401-403, pilot programs have been initiated by the U.S.
Attorney General, one of which is the "Machine Readable Document Pilot
Program".  In this particular program, employers would have to "produce"
a document reader linked to the federal government's Social Security
Administration in order to have the potential employee swipe their new
driver's license/national ID card through the reader.  Then, it would be
up to the federal government to either approve or disapprove the
applicant for employment.

Section 666 (notice the number) of the new law states that "after
October 1, 2000, Federal agencies may only accept as proof of identity
dirver's licenses that conform to standards developed by the Secretary
of the Treasury", after consultation with state motor vehicle officials
and the American Associaton of Motor Vehicle Admisistrators.  The AAMVA
sees digital fingerprinting as the best way to go in driver's license

Fearing that all Americans were about to be digitally tattooed under the
government's paranoiac guise of catching everthing from aliens to dead
beat dads, Congressman Dick Armey (R-Tx) was one of the first to voice
his opposition.  Armey called the move, "an abomination and wholly at
odds with the American tradition and the U. S. Constitution.

For the first time in American history and reminiscent of Communist
countries, our government would have the ability to grant or deny
apporval before a private company enters into private employment
contracts with private citizens.

On May 10, 1995, a hearing was held by the Senate Subcommittee on
Immigration entitiled, "Verification of Applicant Identity for the
Purposes of Employment and Public Assistance".  The hearing was chaired
by Senator Alan Simpson (R-Wy) and attended by Senators Ted Kennedy
(D-MA) and Dianne (D-Ca).  The speaker to the subcommittee was Robert
Razor of the Secret Service Financial Crimes Division who gave the
committee an expanation of the emerging biometric technological role in
personal identification.

Now the people of America not only must have digital tattoos on their
driver's licenses, we must also give information to the goernment when
boarding commercial aircraft, called personality profiles, along with a
government ID card.  Of course, this giuse is in order to catch soem
would be terrorist.  Diane Feinstein, author of the national ID law,
explained in a Captitol Hill magazine that it was her intention to see
Congress immediately implement a national identity system where every
American is required to carry a card with a "magnetic strip on it which
the bearer's unique voice, retina pattern, or fingerprint is digitally
encoded".  She also stated that "fifteen years ago, they would have torn
the building down if we tried to implement such a law".

Dan, this is just a part of that report by Ms. Parker.  There is another
five pages, most of which goes into how much each state will lose in
federal funds if they don't implement this law.

Lamont Cranston
	"who knows what evil lurks"