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Re: All that 666 stuff

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On Tue, 1 Sep 1998, Lamont Cranston wrote:

> Section 666 (notice the number) of the new law states that "after
> October 1, 2000, Federal agencies may only accept as proof of identity
> dirver's licenses that conform to standards developed by the Secretary
> of the Treasury", after consultation with state motor vehicle officials
> and the American Associaton of Motor Vehicle Admisistrators.  The AAMVA
> sees digital fingerprinting as the best way to go in driver's license
> identifiers.

This, by the way, makes Bill Clinton and the government of the United
States "The Beast" of revelations. Now, if the government *is*
the manifestation of evil on the planet then doesn't everyone find it just
a bit ironic that this self-same government was elected by the people?
I suppose this also makes New York "The Great Whore" which means that
those of us who trade on the NYSE and Amex are gonna burn for sure :-).

Personally I tend to think that the truth of revalations is that
it underscores what has been true about mankind since day one.  I don't
think there will be an anti-christ personified, but rather mankind's
evil inclinations, made manifest (and impersonal) in the people, systems
and behaviors of his own devising.

Consider how we have used laws and our society to cut ourselves off from
each other... and then we build machines to achieve a sham form of human
community and communication!  We create laws to protect ourselves from
"bad" people or to constrain "improper behavior" only to become  the 
victems of these same misguided laws and lawmakers!

And then there's just our pig-headed determination to deny, not only our
own humanity, but our brother's humanity by screwing him over for the last
1/8 of a point on the spread.  Indeed, the pursuit of wealth at the
expense of our brother's well-being and life serves as yet
another example of how far we have strayed from the ideals of humanity.
Like our communities, we too have become as machines.

Consider the questionable marketing practices of Bill Gates, and the
veritable hell on earth that his poorly designed products have unleashed
on the world.  The customer wasn't first and foremost on his mind... it
was winning.

Let me leave you with one more thought (if you haven't deleted this
message by now)... it is commonly believed that God destroyed the sinful
cities of Sodom and Gomorah because of their perverted sexual practices.
Fundementalists often point to the obliteration of these cities as "God's
punishment for homosexuality."  Sorry, this isn't the case.

The sin of Sodom and Gomorah was inhospitality.  Plain and simple.  The
people of these cities treated their visitors and each other as food
animals, not as equals, contrary to the human values god had intended for
people and the community of man.  Is this begining to sound familar?

The law of Moses (the ten commandments) was made for MAN's
benefit, to show him the correct way to treat his neighbor and
how to behave in a community of people.  The New Testament law laid down
similar ideas ("love your fellow man as yourself") to prevent us from
screwing ourselves over.

The apocalypse is simply the culmination of mankind's failure to live up
to his potential and to disregard the well-being of himself, his brother
and his community.  No need for a guy with a white beard on a throne
flinging lightning bolts at us this time.  We brought it on ourselves with
our own hands and minds... or foreheads if you like.

Sorry to get off the subject, but I thought these insights might help
clear out some of the dogmatic thinking.

- Speaker
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