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I'm afraid it's "either-or" here, Partner.  There are no white hats standing
behind the fists and guns.  Either you support my right to operate freely,
or you do not.  What you really want is my sanction of the regulations you
are imposing on me.  You want to impose them courteously, without a lot of
"trouble".  You want me to agree to them.  Well I don't.  You will not
receive the sanction of your victim.  You have only one choice if you wish
me to comply:  You'll have to point your gun at me.  Is that what you want
to do?

You ask:  "Should it be okay for a crook to write a BS system hype it to
death in all the public forums and fleece the public your family and mine?"
My answer is:  Yes, provided there is no initiation of physical force nor
any use of fraud (lies).

Then you say:  "I always see this about people until it happens to them,
their family or a close friend then they have a different opinion usually
they say well I guess something should be done."  I'm afraid that I can't
agree.  It has happened to my family, to the tune of $50k.  But folks need
to be free to make their own contracts - for better or worse.  As long as
there's no force or fraud there is nothing "to be done".

All the best,

Trader J

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert W Cummings <robertwc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Trader J <editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Paul Weston <PaulWeston@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Robert W Cummings
<robertwc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Omega List <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sunday, August 02, 1998 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: NUNS OF THE NFA

Trader J

What if I said I agree with all that side with freedom and no regulations
and I do. I also feel freedom has theses inherent problems that we as a
group have the responsibility to define. If you really want to be
democratic about this take the opposite position yourself. Should it be
okay for a crook to write a BS system hype it to death in all the public
forums and fleece the public your family and mine. I always see this about
people until it happens to them, their family or a close friend then they
have a different opinion usually they say well I guess something should be
done. Maybe thats why we have courts to decide. I'm not the bad guy here
TraderJ I wear a white hat. :)

Good Trading

At 11:17 AM 8/2/98 -0400, Trader J wrote:
>Paul wrote:
>>Who are we to say who can operate on you, or defend you in court, or fix
>>your teeth, or fly you on your next trip?
>Nice to hear from another advocate of freedom.  Our ranks seem a bit
>I'll add one more to the list you mention above:  Who are you to say from
>whom I'll receive or to whom I'll give investment advice?
>All the best,
>Trader J