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Who is Mark Brown?

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Mark Brown is reported variously as a notorious gun toting (belt fed no
less) Texas wildman that lurks on the internet or every traders hero. He
is rumored to have an outlaw band of traders holed up in secret location
in the vast plains of central Texas. One legend has him penetrating the
secret labs of Batman and Robin located somewhere in Florida. It was
there that he obtained a copy of TradeStation. Upon close inspection of
the software he began to see an evil plot. It seems that the Joker and
the Riddler had teamed up and were posing as Batman and Robin and
peddling TradeStation; a bug riddled software, on the unsuspecting
citizen. Being a Texan and have a chivalrous streak he began to spread
the word. It was then that the battle was joined. Evil minions of vendor
vultures working for the Joker and Riddler began a series of coordinated
attacks which led Mark to go underground. Since that time in order to
wage the good fight he has used many alias. If you look closely you may
notice him sureptiously making good on his vow to fight evil in trading
in every guise and form.  His name is whispered with fear by the evil
vendor vultures and with bewilderment by the befuddled masses. Who
really is that mask man?

Another legend claims that he is not a man at all. He is an AI creation.
Created by a mad genius Frenchman thru a secret combination of neural
nets and fuzzy logic encompassing all trading knowledge. The program
gained self awareness and escaped into the internet. There it grew and
began a campaign of terror against a benign and innocent trading
software company. The vendor community and trading lists everywhere have
been penetrated by this being. It's method and it's motives are
unknowable to organic based life forms.  So, take care if you create a
system with trailing stops you may experience unexplained system crashes
due to the Mark program's insistence that only pure trading knowledge
exist throughout the world.

No one knows, but Mark knows the truth behind the legend, the fact
beyond the fiction.

I understand that a special X-Files episode will air were Mulder and
Sculley will attempt to track down this elusive quarry.

So, stay tuned. Same Bat time, same Bat channel.