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Re: Pre World War III Status (was yk2 and the like)

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pierre wrote:

>1) Seems that the solution that I have proposed with the Morning update
>unchecking is not so stupide, because it has worked for me, and for three
>other users here , including James Mazzula, who really suggested to uncheck

Yep, it was Jim's idea.  It works for me as well.  And a good one IF TS's
long term stability is not compromised.  The few months may stretch into 12
to 18 months...my opinion...then the stability could be an issue

 I never said it was stupid, only crazy.  I still stand by that comment.  A
Y2K fix from Omega would end this thread.

>2) We are waiting an official answer from Omega to know if the workaround is
>really dangerous or not.
>TS users who do not collect realtime data on contracts expiring after year
>2000 are not concerned for the moment.
>For example, SP contracts , bonds that are traded on the last three months of
>the next to exipe contract are not concerned by this topic and have 15 months
>of use without any problem.Far before this deadline, TS4 patch and TS5
>availability will be past history.

An Omega tech support dweeb I spoke with several weeks ago said (probably
reading from the Omega manual) that it was not a good idea.  I'll withhold
judgement until someone who has more experience from Omega responds to this
question.  Long term stability of 12+ months is my main concern, because
that's how long I think that it will take to get the Y2K patch

This affects traders who trade euros, crude, bonds, leaps, and maybe the
ag's.  Will not affect S&P's until next summer (Jun 99).

>3) James Mazzula reported that he was unable to enter manually any quote time
>stamped after 12/31/99. He is right and this is where the true yk2
>compatibility problem takes place.
>No need to manually enter such data before year 2000.
>This means that TS4 is not yk2 compliant and that's all.



>5) Seems difficult to let understant to some people that defending a company
>for nothing is so incredible. But I'm like this and that's all too.

You have your opinion and I have mine...whether you or I are right or wrong
is irrelevant.

>6) It's good to live in a country where lawyers still have a common sense of
>what the reality is.

And I thank God for the American legal system...I'll take the good with the
bad anyday to live in a country where the appeals process works...though,
we could use better tort laws...again, my opinion.

-Tony Haas