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Re: Ascii tick data dop file not read by TS4.0

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> I have merged four contracts of 1997-98 SP tick data from Tick Data using
>  their software.  The result is three files :
>  F1.dat
>  F1.dop
>  master
>  TS is able to "see" them in the insert-price data- ascii files in
>  I select F1.dat 
>  TS then pops up a field order screen, I select Dop File
>  acsii data file error screen pops up 
>  no info is available in that screen which indicates that I should be
>  at the top of the selected data file.  
>  Stuck here.
>  The Omega help documentation is useless.
>  TICK Data,Inc. software documentation is even worse.  
>  Tick Data was recommended here but it must be the data quality only
>   not the delivery or the service.
>  I would appreciate some helpful advice.
>  Chas Waring


          What you have is possibly metastock format, most likely computrac
format.   Definitely NOT ascii.     Try reading those files with computrac
format which TS 4.0 should support.  I can read them with TS3.5     Remember
if they are ascii you should be able to type out the file and read the content
on the screen.
