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Re: Discretionary Trading

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Paul Cote wrote:

> I like the psych book called mindtraps.  from mindtraps, mindtrap #3, is
> it true that I believe_________ or am I "afraid" that this will happen?

Hi Paul -

Is this a recent book...and what's the author's name?   I could certainly
use a copy here.

BTW, speaking of pyschological stuff.... In 1995 I was having real problems
pulling the trigger, as many of us often do. It was as if I "knew" the
trade was gonna work, and rationalized that I really didn't need the
money...so I was just happy to see it unfold in front of me without
participating. Almost like it was just a video game.  

This went on for awhile...and still haunts me at times.... Can you imagine?
I watch a trade to completion, then leave the room happy that it worked out
and I was correct...but didn't make a dime? I think it had a lot to do with
evading the potential pain of losing money. If I just watch it unfold, it's
fun...but, if I get on board, it then becomes a frigg'in painful battle.
lure of money was not enough to make me push the button. Has anyone else
this "living in an academic world" thing?

ANYWAY, I wrote a 3 page script  (kinda like a motivational Tony Robbins
thing) that stated what kind of trader I wanted to be....you know, like
respond automatically, full confidence, etc....

I then went to a hypnotist, gave him the script and said to do his thing.
Well, after three sessions it seemed to be working. I actually taped the
last session and then played it over and over for a few months...it
actually worked as an auto-hypnosis technique.

I found the things I had written had really become a habit, though the pain
of losing seemed to rear its head randomly over time. Think I will play the
tape over again and read your book....I need a boost now....I'm having a
little trouble with the "trading for the fun of it" thing again.

BTW, I've received a few more personal notes on discretionary
trading...mostly from other similar-types.  I wonder if we could get some
postings from these and other lurkers who have some personal experiences to
relate of how they receive their trading cues, general methods, fears,
expectations, results.......or anything else on the subject?  It's really
an art, and I guess most have their own interpretations. I would be very
intersted in hearing more.

Tom Cathey