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Re: Falure to establish communication

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It would be really nice if life were that simple!  ;-)   
Win-95 Plug & Pray assigns your IRQs to your COM ports and other devices at
will and leaves your sensitivities and superstitions out of the process.  It
will also re-assign them as new devices are added and removed.  You can
venture in and manually change the mandated assignments if you know what
you're doing, but you risk creating further conflicts and may disable PnP
from working its wizardry on the next addition to your machine.
Some add-on devices are designed to use only specific IRQs and
base-addresses that may or may not be available at any given point in the
evolution of your machine.  These anomalies can sometimes cause conflicts
but this is changing as peripheral manufacturers and later versions of Plug
& Pray get more in lock-step with the Gates' juggernaut...
At 06:47 PM 3/11/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I am far from a computer expert - but I've worked with them (and sometimes
>struggled with them) for a long time.  Call me superstitious - but I always
>put the most important communications device on my computer on the COM1 port
>and IRQ - because that's the one that's most likely to work.  Once you get
>to COM3 - you increase your chances of having IRQ conflicts - or having
>software where the COM2-COM(pick a number) was an add-on - not part of the
>original software.  What are you running on COM1 and COM2?  And have you
>checked your COM3 for IRQ conflicts with other devices?
>By the way - being permanently confused about things like IRQ conflicts is a
>way of life for non-technical computer users like you and me.  Robyn