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Re: A Modest Proposal

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Your proposals all sound good. I, too, have been a moderator and participant
in many bulletin boards. Unfortunately they ignore one key point - THIS LIST
IS NOT A GENERAL PURPOSE TRADING LIST. The Omega list is for people to
discuss issues relating to Omega products. How does someone submitting their
daily trading signals satisfy this simple criteria?

The RealTrader's list (of which I'm also a member) is much more of a general
purpose list. But even that list does NOT allow member to post daily trading
signals for the simple reason if that if even a small fraction of the list
members did this, the list would be inundated with postings of little real

Unfortunately, I disagree with your basic premise that people should be
allowed to post whatever they want to post, as long as they identify it. It
still takes time to determine a message is worthless and delete it.

I'm surprised that the administrators of this list are not more concerned.
Is the Omega list really a general purpose trading list? I would be willing
to bet that most members of this list are here for tips on using Omega
products. The Internet is already FULL of general trading tips and advice.

To the probable happiness of all of you, I have said my LAST word on this
matter. If  this does turn into a general purpose list then I'll just set my
e-mail program to automatically delete any message with "Denise" in it or
any other subject or author that becomes irrelevant. However, it is sad to
think that this list may degenerate. Over the last few years I have gained a
lot of good information from here (and even given a little back).

Blaine Mathieu
Turning Point Trading Inc.
(p.s. - I'm not hiding behind some cryptic pseudonym)

-----Original Message-----
From: greene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <greene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: alexgegc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <alexgegc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, February 27, 1998 2:51 PM
Subject: A Modest Proposal

>I agree with you.  But - rather than discuss it any further - I have a
>modest proposal.  Let us all try for one week to:
>1.  Let people post whatever they want to post - as long as they describe
>their subjects properly (e.g., "Denise's System", "John's System", or "My
>Dog Had Puppies").  I seriously doubt that there will be more than a few
>messages that are totally unrelated to the purpose of the list.  And we
>get only 1 "Denise" message a day - instead of 10.  And maybe Denise will
>decide to become a position trader <g>.
>2.  Everyone will refrain from sending public or private messages to
>writers telling them that their messages are garbage and don't belong on
>list.  We all know what the "Denise's System" thread is about now.  If we
>don't want to read the messages - "click" - and they're gone - just like
>other spam we don't want to read.
>3.  No one should post public or private messages which contain profanity
>defamatory material to any mail list - including this one - ever.  It
>degrades the entire list.
>You might ask - who am I to make this proposal.  Well - I'm not a hot shot
>futures trader - but I managed the message board on the Investors' Forum on
>Compuserve when it had over 10,000 members and was running about 600-800
>messages a day.  When you have any public forum or mail list - you're going
>to get a certain number of messages that no one wants to read - and a
>certain amount of "noise".  But you *don't* get rid of messages you don't
>want to read - or eliminate the "noise" totally - by engaging in ugly
>childish arguments.  You only make matters worse.  You *do* get rid of
>people who post profane or defamatory messages - and I hope that the people
>who maintain this list will continue their policy of doing so (after
>the offenders).
>I don't want to discuss this proposal.  Let's just try it.  For one week.
>It can't hurt - and I think it will help.  If we all decide to try it - we
>can discuss the results next weekend.  Robyn