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Vendors? Beware! Traders Take Care!

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I would not have a problem.  Some people are excellent 
programmers/analysts but unable or unwilling to deal with the emotional 
rollercoaster that is trading.  It is not a macho symbol of virility to 
say you are a Trader. Personally I day trade the S&P  but I could not 
deal with spending my day programming.  I would rather work with someone 
who has a talent to put my ideas into code i.e. to provide a solution to 
my problem of not having the patience to sit down and code my ideas.  
They don't have to be a trader to do that.  There is no point in anyone 
criticizing a solution provider for not trading unless their systems 
don't do what they are advertised as doing or do not recreate the setups 
that I may have asked them to program. 

What's sad is that it is obvious that we had a person on the list that 
did meet all the criteria that you are now willing to comprise. He WAS a 
so called Solution Provider. He WAS a Member of this List. He WAS giving 
advice, suggestions and code out for FREE. He probably WAS a successful 
trader trading the very advice he gave freely. 

> >>So, what's the difference if the system is not used by the developer 
himself,but if the developer was paid according to the results obtained 

He WAS getting paid according to the results with NO up front fees or 

Enough now and back to Y2000 bug fixing and please fee free to post any 
very profitable trading systems that I may try out for free.


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