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Re: Sheriff's Announcement: There goes that Mark Brown again.

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Sheriff Chuck wrote:

[snipped first part of Sheriff Chuck's message]

>Now, a word for the newbies with Omega.   The Cubans do not like honey.
>Don't waste your time with honey.  Try a baseball bat if you want
>attention.  It works.  

Not sure what anybody's ethnicity has to do with any of

>Mark Brown is proof of that and many of you have
>Mark to thank for some of the bugs you could of had and don't.   The right
>mouse click is a recent example.  His approach is a welcomed alternative to
>the excuse-peddling approach of Pierre -- Mark's alter ego. 

The double right mouse click to maximize/restore chart
windows was discontinued by Omega in an effort to comply
with Microsoft's User Interface Guidelines for Windows 95.
The right mouse button is reserved for displaying context
menus. Trying to portray Omega software designers as a bunch
of idiots (as someone did) for conforming to a standard most
of their users would soon be familiar with was not exactly
fair comment. And it was definitely not a bug.

>I guess it made sense to  Omega to kick him off as a Solution Provider
>although he has provided many solutions.  Then again, I am reminded what
>Winston Churchill said,  Stay close to your friends and closer to your
>enemies."     Omega may have made a big mistake.   It is interesting to
>note that one way to shut up the discourse of Mark Brown is deliver bug
>fixes and  Y2K patches and Omega doesn't do that.  Hmmm..   I guess if you
>haven't been around since 1987 you don't see the pattern in Omega's action.

Omega instituted a policy of providing incremental upgrades
to users at their internet web site. These upgrades
contained bug fixes as well as new features that users could
benefit from without having to wait for the release of the
next full version of TradeStation. They have also made a
commitment to fix the Y2K problem so I would say that your
statement that "Omega doesn't do that" WRT delivering bug
fixes and Y2K patches is false.

>The frustrating thing for most of the long term users of TS is to see what
>could be a good product go bad because of mismanagement.  There is\was a
>lot of potential in the product.  

In the three versions of TradeStation I have used each has
been better than the preceding. Better features, better
documentation, and better product support. How has
TradeStation gone bad? 

>Unfortunately,  Omega exists to serve it
>owners rather than service its customers.  This is my definition of greed
>and the reason for its lack of research spending although the accounting
>methods used to produce its financial statements seem a little out of the

Every company exists to serve the interest of it's
shareholders. I don't see why you should have a problem with
that unless you're some kind of communist. Most companies
also recognize that satisfied customers are in the company's
best interest and try to accomodate their users as far as
possible. From what I've seen Omega fits into that category,
although there are some customers you can never satisfy.

>No that I have offended just about everyone- -- Best of luck to you all.
>Send someone over to my office when the shooting dies down and when you
>finished  burning down the Saloon.  Remember, it is the only free-speech
>saloon in town.
>Sheriff Chuck
