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Re: Request for Y2K Patch for TS 3.5

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Bob Young wrote:
> I want to heartily endorse the sentiments expressed in the letter below.  In my case, constraints of
> processor speed, memory and disk space determine that, until I upgrade my entire system, I will need to
> continue to use TS3.5 for the foreseeable future.  I had considerable problems with the early version of the
> server which was shipped with my original copy of TS early in 1995, but an Omega technical support
> representative supplied me with a complete upgrade to a newer version of the program at no cost to me,
> and did not even charge me for shipping.  SInce then, I have had no problems at all running the software on
> a 486DX66 with 20 megs of RAM, while simultaneously maintaining an internet connection and running my e-
> mail program.
> I do not believe I could do this with TS 4.0, even if I could find room on my hard disk to install it.
> I, too, hope that Omega will continue to support this older release by making a patch available for the Y2K
> problem.
> Bob Young
> >
> > I'm glad to hear that Omega Research plans to provide a year 2000 patch
> > for TS 4.0.  That adds to my belief that Omega not only sells the best
> > trading software but also stands behind its products following the sale by
> > supporting its customers, particularly by providing necessary and timely
> > patches for its software.
> >
> > I do hope that Omega will also release a year 200 patch, as well, for TS
> > 3.5.
> >
> > Although I have twice upgraded to 4.0, both times I have thereafter
> > deleted 4.0 and re-installed 3.5 because I have found 3.5 to be faster,
> > simpler, and less subject to crashes - and 3.5 does everything that I want
> > my trading software to do and does it flawlessly, without problem.  I just
> > don't use the additional features that 4.0 provides, and for my trading, I
> > have found 3.5 to be the stronger and preferable program.  I have heard
> > many other TS users make similar comments; I believe that you might be
> > surprised to learn of the number of traders, particularly older and more
> > experienced ones, who continue to use 3.5.
> >
> > I would like to continue to use TS 3.5 as my primary day-trading software
> > in the year 2000 and beyond.  I wish to encourage Omega to release a year
> > 2000 patch for TS 3.5 as well as the one planned for 4.0.
> >
> > Thank you for your consideration.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Richard Josslin
> > TS User #253
> >

         [Fwd: Fw: requested forward with headers] 
         Fri, 30 Jan 1998 04:54:07 -0800 
         Bill Vedder <bved01@xxxxxxx>
         Omega List <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>

-----Original Message-----
From: officeofthepresident@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: glens@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <glens@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday, January 27, 1998 11:15 PM
Subject: Re:

>Dear Mr. Schultz,
>Thank you for taking the time to address your concerns... <snip>

>One issue that is not mentioned in this posting, but has been mentioned in a
>previous posting to the list, is that we will be providing Omega Research
>users with a free patch to address the year 2000 issue for the current
>releases of our products (16-bit) prior to the year 2000... <snip>

>Loren Costantino
>Executive Assistant

Loren, I'm an Omega user since SC 2.1 and am currently running TS 4.0.

I'm a little confused by your response posted to the Omega list (above)
concerning which of the "current releases" of your products you will be
planning to offer the free patch. Please list for me and the Omega list
members, the titles and version numbers of the products you are referring to
in the above note.

Bill Vedder

To Bob Young, Janette Perez, and the list:

Above is the note I sent to Omega asking exactly which products 
they are including when they say "current releases". I haven't 
received an answer yet. I realize they're busy but the answer doesn't
require a research project.

A dime will get you a dollar that their strategy is to release 
TS5.0, call that their "current release", and either make users
of previous releases upgrade to 5.0 or charge $$$ for the "free patch".

Janette, prove me wrong... please.

Bill Vedder