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Re: The cost of excellent support and service (long)

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At 06:20 AM 1/22/98 +0000, you wrote:
>Excellent support and service would cost $1,500,000 - $2,000,000
>in expenses and $4,500,000 - $6,000,000 in opportunity cost yearly.
Good article that made sense but can you figure on by not letting DTN be a
data provider has cost Omega in sales.
That was arrogance nothing else and a total disregard for the current users
and in my opinion just plan stupid. Sales are down and for the most part
will stay down because competition is about to take a larger share with
each passing day. The competition is offering $100 a month savings in data
with speeds twice as fast by letting DTN feed there software. Software cost
is half of what Omega's is with superior service that's responsive to its
clientele (thats a guess on my part do not know this for sure concerning
service). New not beta 32 bit software package ready for shipping again at
half the cost of Omega. Is exactly why Omega's stock price has fallen from
$11 to less than $3 in less than a year and will be de listed in my opinion
in another year and become a pink sheet trading company. So if what I say
is true and I believe it is then what would you say would be the answer to
Omega's current problems? How did they get here after being number one for
so many years and would you think it is if not arrogance , not being
responsive to there present clientele, data feed cost half and faster or
price of software being twice as high ? What I'm saying is if you are right
then Omega is history. 
