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Re: Excel Help

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On there way under separate cover.

Bob Dorman wrote:

> Sorry to bother the list with this, but I've screwed up big-time and
> need to recover, and you guys seem to know all the answers. In trying to
> make it easier to find things in Win95, I created some new file folders,
> gave them logical names and put them in logical places (or so seems to
> me). It doing so I've messed up Excel. The message I get is "A required
> .DLL file, MS097.DLL, was not found." I've also gotten "XL8409.DLL is
> missing or damaged" Can someone copy those files from Office97 and send
> them to me with a note of where to put them? Many, many thanks. Like the
> trader who says, "Please Lord, just bring this market back and I'll
> never do it again!" if I get out of this I'll just leave my hard drive
> organized the way Bill Gates likes it.

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*            Glenn M. Orlosky           *
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*     E.quity T.echnical A.dvisors      *
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