>we are allowed to discuss very few details of products in development
…and I
ask if you are happy with that response? “Why on earth not?” is my
You are 100% happy
with MS – good for you. However, there ARE a number of bugs and a long list
of possible improvements Equis could make.
email suggested they care about these issues. I want him to prove it by telling
us which of them they are working on right now. I also want to know if they are
interested in compiling a ‘register of gripes’ of some sorts and a future
release schedule as, for example, Amibroker has with it’s ‘wish
list’ links on the front page of it’s website. Very dynamic and
very forthright. Is that too much to ask from a company in who’s product
I’ve invested such a serious amount of time and money and wish to remain
loyal to, despite my better insticts?
So Eduardo,
now’s your chance to prove you guys really are interested in the serious
Last time I
wrote to Equis support about one particular gripe (lack of support for E-signal’s
international tick servers) I was told I could have my money back if I wanted…any
change of heart or does that offer still stand?
Or the gripe
before that (lack of ability to plot >60 minute intraday charts) I was told
they were working on it. What’s the status?
Or the perennial
ones regarding loop functions, system tester bugs, limits on variables, space
restrictions, etc etc etc…
hayseedville [mailto:hayseed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005
3:10 AM
To: equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [EquisMetaStock
Group] MetaStock v10
hey teclogeo..... i had both called and emailed
equis about this....
was told on the phone there will be some updates
later for meta 9,
but i didn't ask what.... below is the email
i'm currently using meta pro 9 for esignal and
have had nothing but
excellent results..... once you toss in the
contributions of those
like jose, roy
larson and such, its difficult for me to see a
single negative.......h
While we are allowed to discuss very few details
of products in
development, I can say without any doubt
whatsoever that there are
absolutely no plans to "lock" our
data. Future versions of
MetaStock in development fully support our data
partners just as our
previous versions have. Locking out our data
partners would be a
great disservice to our customers and would only
be shooting
ourselves in the foot. I can guarantee that
the rumors you have
heard are completely false.
In regards to your broad market question, yes, you
can download BM
Data from Reuters while still subscribing to
eSignal. To our
Professional customers, we offer the index
information as a stand
alone package, which runs at $9.95 a month
($107.40 yearly). This
data would need to be downloaded with the
Downloader software.
I hope this helps clear things up for you.
If you have any other
questions, please let me know.
Thank you,
Support Representative
Equis Technical Support
(801) 265-9998
HYPERLINK "http://www.equis.com/"http://www.equis.com
Please include previous email answers and
questions in your
--- In equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
"TecloGeo" <teclogeo@xxxx>
> Eduardo,
> I would like to thank you for that post. I am
sure all in this
> appreciate it when someone from Equis takes
the time to show that
they are
> listening to the concerns of its customers.
> So now you've nicely cleared up the data feed
rumour, could you
perhaps let
> us all know what actually is on Equis' priority
list as far as
> updates is concerned and also what the
expected timetable for
> releases might be? I am sure that the more
experienced users in
here could
> all provide a list of what we would like to
see.perhaps some have
> made you aware of them?.but it would be nice
to know what exactly
is being
> planned.
> Thanks again for your time.
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