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realize the color coding for custom indicators that I have, personally, asked
and been assured that it'll be in the "next significant update" since Ver
Eduardo, It's good to hear that Equis has an ear on this board.
Equis staff honestly strive to service its customers, if you have >
suggestions of things that we can do not only to our product but to >
our business practices to give you our Employer a more satisfactory >
service please let us know
Perhaps we could begin with fixing the
Security() function bug.
Regards, jose '-)
--- In
equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Eduardo R. da Silva"
<edasilva@xxxx> wrote: > My name is Eduardo da Silva and I
work for Equis, as many of you may > know I subscribe to the group and
read the posts often. Even > though, I been having fun observing
the post regarding MetaStock v10 > and the worries of everyone I thought
it would be cruel to allow > some of you guys to become so worked up
with false rumors. > > I wanted to make sure everyone in
the group knows officially from > Equis, since I represent Equis, that
we have no intentions of > locking MetaStock to only a single data
source as suggested. Equis > is honestly all about its customers, and
what benefit would there be > to our users if we were to lock the data
access in MetaStock to only > one vendor. The answer is none, so even
though at times we have > limited resources, which may give the
impression that we are staring > at our own navel, we make a serious
effort and invest a lot of time > and money to ensure that we are
looking outwards treating each > customer as if they were our only
customer, our employer. I know > that sometimes it doesn't look that way
but we are trying as hard as > we can. > > Everyone
around the office is passionate about our users, our > products and our
company. Such Spirit is what has motivated my to > stay for over 5 years
now, and honestly I am one of the newer > employees at Equis, I can say
that over 80% of Equis' employees have > been working here for over 5
years. We want to make sure that we are > fulfilling the vision of Equis
founder, Steve Achiles, "To help > people become better investors
through the use of Technology." > > Equis staff honestly
strive to service its customers, if you have > suggestions of things
that we can do not only to our product but to > our business practices
to give you our Employer a more satisfactory > service please let us
know, we have very thick skin around here so > you don't have to worry
about offending any of us, after all you are > the boss. >
> Rest assured that this rumors are nothing but FALSE
statements. > They are nothing but malicious rumors. >
> We thank you for your loyalty, for your dedication and appreciate
to > MetaStock. > > > > From: Jose
[mailto:josesilva22@xxxx] > Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 4:23
AM > To: equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Subject: [EquisMetaStock
Group] MetaStock v10 > > > The rumor in the industry has
it that Equis is ready to release > MetaStock v10 sometime this
April. Apparently the most significant > change is that they are
finally locking up their data format, so > that MetaStock will only
accept Reuters data. > Some data & MetaStock resellers are already
considering > alternatives. > > I sincerely hope this
rumor turns out to be false. In any case, it > will take a lot
more features than data-locking before I consider > upgrading from
MetaStock v8.01. > > > jose '-) > http://www.metastocktools.com
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