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Re: [EquisMetaStock Group] From Paulo Coelho to George W. Bush

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George Bush is an asshole.
He the ambassdor of the arms industry. Might I add 
(i read somewhere) Ambassador Plenipotenciary of the Arms Industry. I accept 
that as being true. 
The best way to whack the punk (bush) would be to 
shun buying US made Arms.
Ah and suddenly the US wants to rid the world of 
the bad guys ? Come on.
Start in Africa where poverty is thriving , (Sorry 
no oil except in Nigeria , diamonds yes,how about cocoa ? not interesting enough 
I say the world should BAN buying US made weapons . 
Bush can stick them up . u know where.............
Dont give us the crap about saving the world and 
The next time a couple of buildings go down in the 
US of A dont look around for pity. You invade, you kill be ready to die 
If Bill Clinton were to invade Iraq i believe it 
would be looked at differently. This guy is a spoilt brat. Daddys boy wants 
revenge. Ronald Reagans son probably has the hots for Mummar Gaddafi 
.................where is this shit leading too............
Bush has LIAR written all over his face. Live mean 
nothing to him. Better learn to value lives. The equation now is 1 American = 1 
Human life not 50 or 100.
THIS WAR IS DIFFERENT. This monkey has made the 
world a dangerous place. He worse than Hitler, since hes using the garb of 
 Democracy to "cleanse" whatever is dirty to him. 
AMEN and god bless the world. (We are going to need 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: <A 
  Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 8:05 
  Subject: RE: [EquisMetaStock Group] From 
  Paulo Coelho to George W. Bush
  >This forum is for 
  business. Please keep your personal political views to yourself. 
  Message-----From: dstutz 
  [mailto:drstutz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] <SPAN 
  >Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 11:04 
  AMTo: <A 
  >Subject: RE: [EquisMetaStock Group] From 
  Paulo Coelho to George W. Bush
  <FONT face="Times New Roman" 
  <FONT face=Arial color=navy 
  forum is regarding business, not politics. Please keep your political views to 
  <FONT face=Arial color=navy 
  Message-----From: mekoker 
  [mailto:no_reply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] <SPAN 
  >Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 4:14 
  >Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] From 
  Paulo Coelho to George W. Bush
  <FONT face="Times New Roman" 
  <P class=MsoNormal 
  face="Courier New" size=2>source: 
  face="Courier New">You may contribute by translating to your language 
  too..."Simyaci" Kitabinin 
  yazarindan Bush'a açik mektup, Ingilizce ve <FONT 
  face="Courier New">altinda da Türkçe tercümesi. Mükemmel bir mektup !! 
  From the world's most popular 
  novelist, Paulo Coelho, an open letter <FONT 
  face="Courier New">of praise for President Bush. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Thank you, great leader George W. Bush. 
  Thank you for showing 
  everyone what a danger Saddam Hussein <FONT 
  face="Courier New">represents. Many of us might otherwise have forgotten that 
  he used chemical weapons against 
  his own people, against the Kurds and <FONT 
  face="Courier New">against the Iranians. Hussein is a bloodthirsty dictator 
  and one of the clearest 
  expressions of evil in today's world. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">But this is not my only reason for thanking you. During the 
  first two months of 2003, you 
  have shown the world a great many other <FONT 
  face="Courier New">important things and, therefore, deserve my gratitude. 
  So, remembering a poem I 
  learned as a child, I want to say thank you. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Thank you for showing everyone that the Turkish people and 
  their parliament are not for 
  sale, not even for 26 billion dollars. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Thank you for revealing to the world the gulf that exists 
  between the decisions made by 
  those in power and the wishes of the people. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Thank you for making it clear that neither José María Aznar 
  nor Tony Blair give the slightest 
  weight to or show the slightest respect for <FONT 
  face="Courier New">the votes they received. Aznar is perfectly capable of 
  ignoring the fact that 90% of 
  Spaniards are against the war, and Blair is unmoved <FONT 
  face="Courier New">by the largest public demonstration to take place in 
  England in the last thirty years. 
  Thank you for making it 
  necessary for Tony Blair to go to the <FONT 
  face="Courier New">British parliament with a fabricated dossier written by a 
  student ten years ago, and 
  present this as `damning evidence collected by the <FONT 
  face="Courier New">British Secret Service'. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Thank you for allowing Colin Powell to make a complete fool 
  of himself by showing the UN 
  Security Council photos which, one week <FONT 
  face="Courier New">later, were publicly challenged by Hans Blix, the chief 
  weapons inspector in Iraq. 
  Thank you for adopting your 
  current position and thus ensuring that, <FONT 
  face="Courier New">at the plenary session, the French foreign minister, 
  Dominique de Villepin's anti-war 
  speech was greeted with applause - something, as <FONT 
  face="Courier New">far as I know, that has only happened once before in the 
  history of the UN, following a 
  speech by Nelson Mandela. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Thank you too, because, after all your efforts to promote 
  war, the normally divided Arab 
  nations were, for the first time, at their <FONT 
  face="Courier New">meeting in Cairo during the last week in February, 
  unanimous in their condemnation 
  of any invasion. Thank you 
  for your rhetoric stating that `the UN now has a chance to 
  demonstrate its relevance', a 
  statement which made even the most <FONT 
  face="Courier New">reluctant countries take up a position opposing any attack 
  on Iraq. Thank you for your 
  foreign policy which provoked the British foreign <FONT 
  face="Courier New">secretary, Jack Straw, into declaring that in the 21st 
  century, `a war can have a moral 
  justification', thus causing him to lose all <FONT 
  face="Courier New">credibility. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Thank you for trying to divide a Europe that is currently 
  struggling for unification; this 
  was a warning that will not go unheeded. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Thank you for having achieved something that very few have 
  so far managed to do in this 
  century: the bringing together of millions of <FONT 
  face="Courier New">people on all continents to fight for the same idea, even 
  though that idea is opposed to 
  yours. Thank you for making 
  us feel once more that though our words may not <FONT 
  face="Courier New">be heard, they are at least spoken - this will make us 
  stronger in the future. 
  Thank you for ignoring us, 
  for marginalising all those who oppose <FONT 
  face="Courier New">your decision, because the future of the Earth belongs to 
  the excluded. 
  Thank you, because, without 
  you, we would not have realised our own <FONT 
  face="Courier New">ability to mobilise. It may serve no purpose this time, but 
  it will doubtless be useful later 
  on. Now that there seems no 
  way of silencing the drums of war, I would <FONT 
  face="Courier New">like to say, as an ancient European king said to an 
  invader: `May your morning be a 
  beautiful one, may the sun shine on your soldiers' <FONT 
  face="Courier New">armour, for in the afternoon, I will defeat you.' 
  Thank you for allowing us - 
  an army of anonymous people filling the <FONT 
  face="Courier New">streets in an attempt to stop a process that is already 
  underway - to know what it feels 
  like to be powerless and to learn to grapple <FONT 
  face="Courier New">with that feeling and transform it. 
  So, enjoy your morning and 
  whatever glory it may yet bring you. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Thank you for not listening to us and not taking us 
  seriously, but know that we are 
  listening to you and that we will not forget your <FONT 
  face="Courier New">words. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Thank you, great leader George W. Bush. 
  face="Courier New">Thank you very much. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Paulo Coelho ( 11 - 3 - 2003 ) 
  face="Courier New">/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
  Coelho'dan Bush'a açik mektup 
  Türkiye'de 'Simyaci' isimli 
  kitabiyla taninan Paulo Coelho, ABD <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Baskani George W. Bush'a açik mektup yazdi. Mektup, 
  yayinlandi. 11.03.2003 
  Çok tesekkürler büyük lider 
  George W. Bush. Saddam 
  Hüseyin'in ne büyük tehlike oldugunu herkese gösterdiginiz 
  için çok tesekkürler. 
  Yoksa çogumuz onun kendi 
  halkina karsi, Kürtlere ve Iranlilara karsi <FONT 
  face="Courier New">kimyasal silah kullandigini unuturduk. Hüseyin kana susamis 
  bir diktatör ve günümüz 
  dünyasinda serin en açik emsali. Ama size <FONT 
  face="Courier New">mütesekkir olmamin tek sebebi bu degil. 2003'ün ilk iki 
  ayinda, dünyaya daha pek çok 
  önemli seyi de gösterdiniz ve minnetarim size. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Bu nedenle, çocukken ögrendigim bir siirin hatirina, size 
  tesekkür etmek istiyorum. 
  Türk halkinin ve 
  parlamentosunun 26 milyar dolar için bile satilik <FONT 
  face="Courier New">olmadigini herkese gösterdiginiz için tesekkür ederim. 
  Iktidardakilerin aldigi 
  kararlarla halklarin istekleri arasindaki <FONT 
  face="Courier New">uçurumu dünyanin gözleri önüne serdiginiz için tesekkür 
  ederim. Jose Maria Aznar'in ve 
  Tony Blair'in aldiklari ylara en ufak saygilari <FONT 
  face="Courier New">lmadigini, bu oylarin onlar üzerinde azicik olsun girlik 
  yaratmadigini açiga çikardiginiz 
  için tesekkür ederim. Aznar, <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Isponyallarin yüzde 90'inin savasa karsi oldugunu 
  mükemmel bir sekilde görmezden 
  gelebiliyor ve Blair'in de <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Ingiltere'de son 30 yilin en büyük gösterisi 
  gerçeklestikten sonra kili bile 
  kipirdamiyor. Tesekkür 
  ederim; Tony Blair'i Ingiltere parlamentosuna 10 yil önce 
  bir ögrenci tarafindan yazilmis 
  düzmece bir dosyayla gitmeye ve 
  "Ingiliz Gizli Servisi'nin derledigi yakici kanitlari" sunmaya 
  mecbur biraktiginiz için. 
  Tesekkür ederim, Colin 
  Powell'in bir hafta sonra Irak'taki silah <FONT 
  face="Courier New">denetçilerinin baskani Hans Blix'in kamuouyu önünde 
  gerçekligini sorgulayacagi 
  fotograflari Birlesmis Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi'ne <FONT 
  face="Courier New">gösterip kendini aptal duruma düsürmesine izin verdigin 
  için.Halihazirdaki pozisyonu 
  benimseyip, böylelikle Güvenlik Konseyi <FONT 
  face="Courier New">oturumunda Fransa Disisleri Bakani Dominique de Villepin'in 
  savas karsiti konusmasinin 
  alkislarla karsilanmasini garanti ettiginiz için <FONT 
  face="Courier New">de tesekkür ederim. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Bildigim kadariyla böyle bir olay Birlesmis Milletler 
  tarihinde sadece bir kez, Nelson 
  Mandela'nin konusmasindan sonra yasanmisti. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Tesekkür ederim, çünkü savastan yana gösterdiginiz onca 
  çabadan sonra, normalde bölünmüs 
  olan Arap uluslari, ilk kez Subat sonunda <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Kahire'deki toplantida her tür istilayi oybirligiyle 
  kinadilar."Birlesmis Milletler 
  simdi etkin bir kurum oldugunu <FONT 
  face="Courier New">gösterme sansina sahip"sözlerine yer verdiginiz konusmaniz 
  için de tesekkür ederim. Bu 
  açiklamaniz,en isteksiz ülkelerin bile Irak'a <FONT 
  face="Courier New">her tür saldiriya muhalif bir pozisyon almalarini sagladi. 
  Ingiltere Disisleri Bakani 
  Jack Straw'in 21. yüzyilda "bir savasin <FONT 
  face="Courier New">ahlaki mesruiyeti olabilir" demesini ve tüm itibarini 
  kaybetmesini saglayan dis 
  politikaniza da mütesekkirim. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Birlesme mücadelesi veren Avrupa'yi bölmeye çalistiginiz 
  için tesekkür ederim. Bu uyariniz 
  dikkatlerden kaçmayacak. Bu 
  yüzyilda su ana kadar pek az kisinin basarabildigi bir seyi 
  yaptiginiz için tesekkür ederim: 
  tüm kitalardan milyonlarca insani - <FONT 
  face="Courier New">sizinkine karsi da olsa- ayni fikir için mücadele etmek 
  üzere biraraya getirdiniz. 
  Bize sözlerimizin duyulmasa 
  bile en azindan ifade edilebilecegini <FONT 
  face="Courier New">bir kez daha hissettirdiginiz için-ki böylece gelecekte 
  daha güçlü olacagiz-tesekkür 
  ederim. Bizi görmezden 
  geldiginiz, karariniza karsi çikan herkesi <FONT 
  face="Courier New">marjinallestirdiginiz için tesekkür ederim, çünkü 
  yerkürenin gelecegi dislananlara 
  ait. Tesekkür ederim, çünkü 
  siz olmasaydiniz, harekete geçme yetimizin <FONT 
  face="Courier New">farkina varamayacaktik. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Bu kez bizi hedefe ulastirmasa bile, daha sonra isimize 
  yarayacagina kusku yok. 
  Savas davullarini susturmanin 
  yolu yokmus gibi göründügüne göre, <FONT 
  face="Courier New">eski bir Avrupali kralin bir istilaciya söyledigi gibi, ben 
  de size sunu söylemek istiyorum: 
  "Sabahiniz güzel olsun, günesin isiklari <FONT 
  face="Courier New">askerlerinizin zirhlarinin üstüne olsun, çünkü günbatiminda 
  sizi yenecegim!" Bizlerin, yani 
  çoktan baslamis bir süreci durdurmak için <FONT 
  face="Courier New">sokaklari dolduranisimsiz insanlar ordusunun, güçsüz 
  olmanin nasil bir sey oldugunu 
  hissetmemize ve bu duyguyu alt etmeyi ögrenip onu <FONT 
  face="Courier New">dönüstürmemize izin verdiginiz için tesekkür ederim. 
  Bunun için sabahin ve nasil 
  bir zafer getirecekse artik onun keyfini <FONT 
  face="Courier New">çikarin. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Bizi dinlemediginiz için ve bizi ciddiye almadiginiz için 
  de tesekkür ederim, ama bilin ki 
  biz sizi dinliyouz ve söylediklerinizi <FONT 
  face="Courier New">unutmayacagiz. <FONT 
  face="Courier New">Tesekkürler büyük lider George W. Bush. 
  Çok tesekkür ederim. 
  Paulo Coelho 
  Çeviren (Translator to 
  Turkish): Isin Eliçin 
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