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RE: [EquisMetaStock Group] Enhanced System Tester Questions

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class=988234106-06022003>Harry/Joe J
I am 
based downunder in New Zealand which means I use the d/MM/yyyy date inversion. 
This means that Joe J's excellent suggestion for a work around doesn't work for 
I have been using Metastock for many years and am therefore comfortable finding 
my way round the basic features I guess we must accept that every program has 
its strong points and its weak points. I find AIQ excellent for System Testing 
(daily or weekly) because it gives me a summary report for my tested universe of 
stocks which Metastock Version 8 doesn't do very well, although I consider 
Version 8 a vast improvement over previous versions so far as System Testing is 
concerned - weekly testing excepted!
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  face=Tahoma size=2>-----Original Message-----From: bex1210 
  <hmw3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [mailto:hmw3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: 
  Thursday, 6 February 2003 7:06 p.m.To: 
  equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: Re: [EquisMetaStock Group] 
  Enhanced System Tester QuestionsGordon:I hope 
  it is a "priority" fix. It will be a pain to do many of the the workarounds 
  that Joe suggested.I must admit that so far I find Metastock to be 
  very confusing to use efficiently. Lots of capabilities, but very disjointed. 
  Operations that took one step (and often could be automated) in my 5 year old 
  Windows on Wallstreet, seem to take 5 or six manual steps in Metastock. Maybe 
  the methods are buried in the manual somewhere, but I haven't found them 
  yet!Harry>  > So far as yuor query about weekly 
  simulations using the Enhanced System> Tester, I run Metastock EOD 
  Version 8 and unless you use an online> database the program only runs 
  daily simulations! Metastock 8 Pro I> believe works in weekly mode (but 
  I am not absolutely sure of this).>  > I received a 
  response from Equis Support early January 2003 and they> said to watch 
  out for an Update Release for Version 8 in February 2003> and that 
  fixing this lack of weekly capability in System Testing for EOD> 
  Version is "top of the priority list". Fingers Crossed....>  
  > Regards,>  > Gordon Sutherland> > 
  -----Original Message-----> From: bex1210 <hmw3@xxxx> 
  [mailto:hmw3@xxxx] > Sent: Thursday, 6 February 2003 10:47 a.m.> 
  To: equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] 
  Enhanced System Tester Questions> > > I just purchased 
  Metastock 8. I have never used any previous versions> of Metastock, but 
  I have used software from some of their> competitors. My operating 
  system is Windows 98SE.> > I have two questions regarding the 
  Enhanced System Tester. I cannot> find answers in the manual, or the 
  help screens. I am certainly in> the "learning" mode, so I may have 
  missed the answers somewhere.> > 1. Periodicity--When I use the 
  Explorer (Explorer->Edit->Option), I> can select the desired 
  periodicity for the securities in the> exploration.  According to 
  the Help screen, the security data will be> compressed (if necessary) 
  to match the selection.  For example, daily> security files can be 
  compressed to weekly or monthly. (All of my> data is collected 
  daily.)> > I have a SYSTEM that I want to test which uses weekly 
  data. But I> cannot find any place where the Periodicity is set for 
  System> testing. It APPEARS that all Systems are tested using 
  daily> periodicity, but I can't be sure.> > Is there some 
  way that I can set the periodicity for either a> specific System being 
  tested, or for all systems tested in a session?> > 2. Sort 
  Order--When I run a System Test to evaluate multiple systems> AND 
  multiple securities, the Test View screen lists the performance> of all 
  systems tested, and if I then select one of those systems,> then the 
  performance of each of the securities using the selected> system is 
  displayed.> > I would like to reverse this. I want the View 
  screen to list all of> the securities tested, and when I select one of 
  these securities,> then the performance of each of the systems using 
  the selected> security is displayed.> > Can I do this, 
  and if so, how?> > Thanks in advance for your support.> 
  > Harry> > > > Yahoo! Groups 
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