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RE: [Metastockusers] Re: That does it!

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problem seems to be on your end. I got this post without all the format problems 
you are seeing here. What do you read your mail with? is there a setting you 
could change to enable HTML?
<FONT face=Tahoma 
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: -= Chris ß =- 
[mailto:baudecb1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 
11:03 PMTo: Metastockusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: Re: 
[Metastockusers] Re: That does it!??On Wed, 05 
Feb 2003 17:38:14 -0800, Adheer Pai wrote: > <html>> 
> <div ><DIV>> 
<P>&gt; Could you give some examples? What would you like it to do 
that it&nbsp;doesn't? <BR><BR>Creating composite securities - 
<BR>Lets say I wish to create a composite security of 5 stocks (e.g. Dogs 
Of Dow&nbsp;Index) and wish to compare it with the DJIA. It is virtually 
impossible to do this. You can create composite securities of two stocks .. but 
thats&nbsp;all I can do&nbsp;!!<BR><BR>I would'nt say this 
is an example of the formula deficiency, but a feature I would have loved in 
metastock. <BR><BR><BR></P></DIV>> 
<DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> 
<P><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive" color=#0033ff size=2>- 
Adheer,</FONT> > <DIV></DIV>> <HR>> 
> <DIV></DIV>> <P></P>> 
<DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> 
<DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>----Original Message 
Follows---- > <DIV></DIV>From: "Roy Larsen" 
<RLARSEN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> <DIV></DIV>Reply-To: 
Metastockusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > <DIV></DIV>To: 
<METASTOCKUSERS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> <DIV></DIV>Subject: 
Re: [Metastockusers] Re: That does it! > <DIV></DIV>Date: 
Thu, 6 Feb 2003 11:33:35 +1300 > <DIV></DIV>> 
<DIV></DIV>Pring > <DIV></DIV>> 
<DIV></DIV>I can't speak for Lionel but here are some of my 
thoughts. > <DIV></DIV>> 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; 1. Most of the add-ons are expensive and 
inadequate > <DIV></DIV>&gt; I won't argue with that 
point. > <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>Neither 
will I. But then I've never been convinced to fork out for any so > 
<DIV></DIV>what would I know? > 
<DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>&gt; 2. The formula 
language is too limited. > <DIV></DIV>&gt; Could you give 
some examples? What would you like it to do that it > 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; doesn't? > 
<DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>PREV should be fixed so 
that it's no more resource hungry than any other > 
<DIV></DIV>function. Failing that MS should have some sort of loop 
capability. At it > <DIV></DIV>stands at the moment each 
variable in a formula can only be processed in the > 
<DIV></DIV>order that it is presented. > 
<DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>IsDefined() and 
IsUnDefined() are the two most useless functions one could > 
<DIV></DIV>imagine. With an implementation that wasn't as half-baked 
they might > <DIV></DIV>actually serve a purpose beyond their 
current "next to useless" category. A > <DIV></DIV>typical 
example is how do I use either to assign a value to a variable for > 
<DIV></DIV>bar one when the variable contains Ref(C,-1). That's 
where these functions > <DIV></DIV>might have a purpose if 
they were intelligently implemented. > <DIV></DIV>> 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; 3. The database system archaic. > 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; Meaning? I don't find it to be a problem at all. 
I connect through > <DIV></DIV>&gt; eSignal and find that 
works really well. > <DIV></DIV>> 
<DIV></DIV>Single digit precision is a pain. Quite a few of the 
number manipulation > <DIV></DIV>functions in MS screw up and 
manage to turn 1.000000 onto either 1.000001 or > 
<DIV></DIV>0.999998. I don't worry too much about this when dealing 
with prices, but > <DIV></DIV>logically an answer is either 
right or wrong. Being "nearly right" is > 
<DIV></DIV>absolutely no use at all. > 
<DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>I'm not so naive as to 
believe that someone from Equis will actually read my > 
<DIV></DIV>complaints and do something about it so I continue to 
make the best of what > <DIV></DIV>MS does have. the fact 
that it has weaknesses is not a good enough reason > 
<DIV></DIV>for me to buy every new update, nor is it a good enough 
reason for me to > <DIV></DIV>give up on it altogether and 
switch to another package. I've paid good money > 
<DIV></DIV>for what I've got and by gosh I'm going to get as much 
value out of it as I > <DIV></DIV>possibly can. > 
<DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>Just my 2 cents worth. 
> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>Roy > 
<DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> 
<DIV></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>MSN 8 helps 
<a href=""http://g.msn.com/8HMTENUS/2743";>http://g.msn.com/8HMTENUS/2743";>ELIMINATE 
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