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Re: [Metastockusers] MetaStock ADX vs. RealTick ADX

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I'm not an expert in any of the matters discussed but I have found out a few
things about Wilders smoothing and exponential moving averages as a result
of a task I undertook to create a weekly ADX for display on a daily chart.
Forgive me if I don't answer your questions fully or at all. However I do
think some of the answers will be in there somewhere if you can bear with

The first problem with the MS ADX is that it is rounded to the nearest whole
number, and this obviously leads to small differences when compared to the
ADX from other packages. There is an easy solution to this and I'm sure I
saw it posted today though I can't recall where. The solution (to the
rounding) is to use the discrete code ADX instead of the bundled one. Then
you can choose just what level of precision you want. I got the following
(now slightly modified for brevity and ease of use) formula from the Guppy
site some time ago. I use 2 decimal point precision but you can adjust the
output line to whatever you want. For the moment I am at a loss to explain
why there is a small discrepency between a rounded 'ADX Raw' and the bundled
ADX function.

  {ADX Raw}
Pds:= Input("Enter time periods",1,100,14);
PlusDM:= If(H>Ref(H,-1) AND
If(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1)
AND H-Ref(H,-1)>Ref(L,-1)-L,H-Ref(H,-1),0));
DIPlus:= 100 * Wilders(PlusDM,Pds)/ATR(Pds);
MinusDM:= If(L<Ref(L,-1) AND
H<=Ref(H,-1), Ref(L,-1)-L,
If(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1)
AND H-Ref(H,-1)<Ref(L,-1)-L,Ref(L,-1)-L,0));

> Can anyone shed some light on the difference between the ADX
> indicator displayed in RealTick and the ADX function in MetaStock?
> When I plot them on the identical price data in the two different
> software packages, the results are completely different.  The
> RealTick ADX behaves as I would expect, with significant variations
> between higher values (> 30 or so) for trending conditions and lower
> values (< 30 or so) for channeling conditions.  The RealTick ADX line
> also begins 14 days after the start of the data for a 14-period ADX.
> The MetaStock ADX is nearly a flat line, and begins 28 days after the
> start of the data (for a 14-period ADX).  It looks like it's being
> smoothed a second time.

I believe the 28 bar N/A period for the MetaStock indicators relate to the
way that the Wilders Smoothing is calculated. I can't reall who alluded it
to it in a recent post but they were correct in stating that Wilders
smoothing is really an EMA where the periods are calculated as (Periods*2)-1
relative to a standard EMA. This accounts for the 27 N/A bars and the
display starting in the 28th bar. However I have discovered that there is
another way to calculate Wilders smoothing that will only have 14 N/A bars.
To follow all this it would probably help to read up about "Exponential
Moving Averages" in the MetaStock User Manual. The down side of my "fix" is
that a PREV is required to accomplish either Wilders smoothing or an EMA.

The following versions are both "seeded" on the first bar so that there is
no N/A period. Seeding also prevents the indicator from starting at zero.

  {Exponential Moving Average}
Prcent:=2/(Period + 1);
(1-Prcent) + Target*Prcent);

  {Wilders Smoothing}

You'll notice that the only difference between the two indicators is the
"Prcent" variable. This is the factor that determines the  percentage of the
target value that is added with each new bar, and the percentage of the of
the previous value that is discarded.

It's my belief that the MS Wilders() function is based a 'Prcent' value of
2/(2*Period)  - 27 period N/A, rather than 1/Period which will give a 14
period N/A. This argument may be somewhat tenuous but the fact is that
Wilders() is the only smoothing employed in the ADX, and I'm not forgetting
that ATR() also uses Wilders smoothing.

As I said to start with I'm really not an expert on any of this so I've
probably created more questions than answers.


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