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Re: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: Huge System Test Profits

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> The Nay Sayers who argue that it won't work because "Future Data" is
> required are correct, of course,

Yes they (we) are correct.

> but also way off base. I think the
> Naysayers should instead be asking, "WHY IS IT SO LUCRATIVE WITH OLD
> HISTORICAL DATA" In actual fact, this profit test runs from the left
> side of the chart where OLD HISTORICAL data begins showing
> spectacular profits almost immediately. There is simply NO future
> data to be found at the left end of the chart. Right? Of course ! !


At the left side of the chart all data to the right is "future data". The
System Tester and indicators will use this data (with ZigZag and positive
Ref() functions) no questions asked. To think that the data is not being
used to get these super results is fantasy land.

> That "Future Data" argument does not apply until we get to the right
> side of the chart. The formula just can't be used to make real money
> because a signal for today won't come for another 10 days. Yet this
> lucrative formula cannot be dismissed.

Yes it can be dismissed. It's a failing of MetaStock that may be useful for
creating fairy tales but has absolutely no value for creating wealth.

> Why does it work so well with
> old historical data?????? And just HOW profitable? 125 stcks picked
> at random had 125 profits, and NO losers. Some profits ran $1,000
> into $225,000 in just a few years. Only the Metastock "Maximum Profit
> System" provides equal or greater profits.

It works so well with MS because any data loaded is fair game for the System
Tester to use, not just past data. It just so happens that at the hard right
edge there is no more future data available so the whole thing falls on it


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