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Re: roylarsen;roycandlelegend;roylarsenbrazinchart

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Hi Jim

I've got your email and I'll come back to you once I've had a chance to
digest it. Might be 10 minutes but more likely later on today.



----- Original Message -----
From: <muffie53@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Roy Larsen" <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 2:17 PM
Subject: roylarsen;roycandlelegend;roylarsenbrazinchart

> g'day from sydney Roy
> i have been tinkering with a trading system based on this metastock
> exploration (in filter)
> {Exploration filter for stocks closing above the topline of Darvas box
> and Bollinger 80 upper band}
> UpperBB:=Mov(C,80,S)+2*Stdev(C,80);
> pds:=30; {Darvas box max length}
> Hi5:=HHV(H,5);
> NH:=ValueWhen(1,H>Ref(Hi5,-1),H);
> Set1:=HHV(H ,3)<HHV(H,4);
> Set2:=LLV(L,3)>LLV(L,4);
> Val1:=ValueWhen(1,BarsSince(H >Ref(Hi5,-1))=3 AND Set1,NH);
> Val4:=ValueWhen(1,BarsSince(L<Ref(LLV(L,5),-1))= 3 AND Set2,Hi5);
> RWH:=(H-Ref(L,-pds))/ATR(pds)*Sqrt(pds);
> RWL:=(Ref(H,-pds)-L)/ATR(pds)*Sqrt(pds);
> Pk:=Mov(RWH-RWL,3,W);
> TopBox:=If(Pk>0,Val1,Val4);
> C>UpperBB AND C>TopBox AND {Filter}
> C> Ref(HHV(H,60),-1)AND (Ref(C,-1)<Ref(HHV(H,60),-1)) AND
> (H=HHV(H,60))AND C>Mov(C,34,W) AND C>Mov(C,13,W) AND MACD()>0 AND
> MACD()>Ref(MACD(),-1) AND C> Ref(HHV(H,60),-1)AND
> (Ref(C,-1)<Ref(HHV(H,60),-1)) AND (H=HHV(H,60))AND C>Mov(C,34,W) AND
> C>Mov(C,13,W) AND MACD()>0 AND MACD()>Ref(MACD(),-1)AND V*C>250000
> {rgdzjimt.}
> but it seems a bit slow on picking up the breaks and i noticed that at
> stock central and the metastock emailathon thingy that you have a
> prodigeous knowhow in metaspeak, my learning curve with meta and trading
> is 3yrs trading (with only moderate success) and i decided that i had to
> change my approach and this is part of the process,
> i will admit that i am dyslexiic with the trading system summaries that
> you and jose post (like what goes where?) in excel or meta? it is a bit
> puzzling for the methematically handicapped like me anyrate.
> what i am asking is can you improve the exploration to pick the
> breakthroughs quicker i have taken the liberty of emailing some
> explanatory charts,  the tiled one is the results of the explo from
> 080102 of the asx, and the other two demonstrate what i am trying to
> achieve as far as a trading system.
> i hope you don't mind me impinging on your time but all this info would
> have been beyond the normal posting ability of stock central or the
> equis thingo
> thanks in anticipation
> jimt.
> roylarsen;roycandlelegend;roylarsenbrazinchart


