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g'day from sydney Roy
i have been tinkering with a trading system based on this metastock
exploration (in filter)
{Exploration filter for stocks closing above the topline of Darvas box
and Bollinger 80 upper band}

pds:=30; {Darvas box max length}
Set1:=HHV(H ,3)<HHV(H,4);
Val1:=ValueWhen(1,BarsSince(H >Ref(Hi5,-1))=3 AND Set1,NH);
Val4:=ValueWhen(1,BarsSince(L<Ref(LLV(L,5),-1))= 3 AND Set2,Hi5);

C>UpperBB AND C>TopBox AND {Filter}
C> Ref(HHV(H,60),-1)AND (Ref(C,-1)<Ref(HHV(H,60),-1)) AND
(H=HHV(H,60))AND C>Mov(C,34,W) AND C>Mov(C,13,W) AND MACD()>0 AND
MACD()>Ref(MACD(),-1) AND C> Ref(HHV(H,60),-1)AND
(Ref(C,-1)<Ref(HHV(H,60),-1)) AND (H=HHV(H,60))AND C>Mov(C,34,W) AND
C>Mov(C,13,W) AND MACD()>0 AND MACD()>Ref(MACD(),-1)AND V*C>250000
but it seems a bit slow on picking up the breaks and i noticed that at
stock central and the metastock emailathon thingy that you have a
prodigeous knowhow in metaspeak, my learning curve with meta and trading
is 3yrs trading (with only moderate success) and i decided that i had to
change my approach and this is part of the process,
i will admit that i am dyslexiic with the trading system summaries that
you and jose post (like what goes where?) in excel or meta? it is a bit
puzzling for the methematically handicapped like me anyrate.
what i am asking is can you improve the exploration to pick the
breakthroughs quicker i have taken the liberty of emailing some
explanatory charts,  the tiled one is the results of the explo from
080102 of the asx, and the other two demonstrate what i am trying to
achieve as far as a trading system.
i hope you don't mind me impinging on your time but all this info would
have been beyond the normal posting ability of stock central or the
equis thingo
thanks in anticipation


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