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Re: intruders

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I guess many on the list, me including, once in a while would like  to get updated on the experience
of those who use shield/protection/firewall software. Seems even stand-alone PCs may be pretty much
vulnerable to intrusions when connected to the Web. It will get only worse as more and more popular
and not so popular sites are willing to download and run applets on user's machine to deliver what
he/she may naively ask for without realizing potential security pitfalls.

Or, is this concern exaggerated? From time to time, newspapers print stories about finding arcane
loopholes in browsers' security. A lot of fuss follows! But if Chicago Tribune,for instance, chooses
(without letting me know) to download a Java applet to my PC to present its pages the way it wants
just for my "convenient" reading (recall also lovely LIVE!Charts), why somebody malicious cannot
monitor what I am doing on the Web, intercept the applet and substitute its own for, say, reading my
files, including passwords or personal information? I read in PC World a couple years ago that Java
has a built-in security manager that doesn't allow a Java applet to do illegal acts like writing on
your PC HD or accessing a network server through a firewall. Really?

Can somebody enlighten me on this issue? Where is a real danger here? And what kind of protection is
available now? Is "alert software" one can get is good enough to alert me, at least, if not protect?

I am not about viruses, worms, ... which can destroy information on HDs or impede a functionality of
a computer, but about stealing information kept on PC.


Cheers, Vitaly

Guy Tann wrote:

> I use ConSeal PC Firewall per a recommendation from my ISP.  Glen also uses
> it and is much more knowledgeable than I am.  My ISP has worked with me,
> providing me with addresses that he uses for mail, newsgroups, etc.  I'm now
> going to attempt to add additional, device oriented controls.  When running
> alongside IA99, it picked up a lot of activity that IA99 never noticed.
> After looking at IA99's rules, it appears to me that it'll be important to
> expand IA99's port list as to which ones to block, etc.
> I also downloaded IA99 and will install this on my wife's laptop as she's
> not on line all day like I am.
> Regards
> Guy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Rajesh
> Sent: Sunday, July 18, 1999 11:22 PM
> To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: intruders
> Downloaded and payed for Intruder Alert. What other security would
> complement the
> intruder alert ? Or is it good as a stand alone. ?
> Rajesh