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Re: intruders viruses trojan horses

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<any comment>

Yes, please!.

1.  I for one (and for this List) recommend to stick the sending of any attachments/inserted files to
     be the GIF-files or Text (HTML) files only. These file types are basicaly harmless file types.
     And the GIF files for example, will not have to be Pasted in the mail's body, as they will only
     have to be attached to the mail to be able to be viewed (by User or by others/receivers). 

2.  Also, if you do not have an email-program capable to instantly (directly) view the GIF-files, then
     upgrade to free IE5.x that includes the OE5.x mail-program. The best thing of it all is that it is
     a FREE, full featured email-program, and that it so simple and easy to use, and that it has
     got some outstanding features included of which one is its pre-view window where most
     (picture) attachments can be viewed directly, eg automaticaly instant and right on the spot. 

3. Another great feature is its Mail Header Bar's Paper Clip. Just click-ing it, will not Open any file,
     but you will directly see what (type of) the attachment is (all about), also you are given the
     options to then either open the file (click the attachment) or to (click) to Save the attachment(s)
     to disk. All very save, neat and tidy.

4. Do read on up how virusses(and anything that hangs underneath it) can only enter one's system,
    or like lately was also mentioned, how possible hackers can intrude on one's machine.

                       1.-virusses+ : via malicious attachments, macros, scripts and executable
                           -active      : when envoked by a User(a receiver running (editting) that file

                        2a.-hackers: via "Sharing" your PC's hardware, folders + files (see my previous mail)
                                               AND you have to be on-line too for this, in the above way, to enable to let
                                               it happen, when you have configered your PC to be the Server that is
                                               "Sharing" his lot (hard+software)

                        2b.-hackers: via malicious attachments (exe-programs) (see also my previous mail)
                           -active      : when the attachments are run(editted)

5. You can install firewalls programs, but by not Sharing your stuff (see above) literly no-one is able
    to enter your machine. The only thing anyone can do is send out admission requests to your
    IP-no (eg the unique number-set that your PC is known to on the Net (Internet)). Any such request
    bounces directly, for as you have not "enabled" the Sharing feature.
    The moment you go onto the Net (Internet), the most that anyone can do is trace your whereabouts
    and havebeens, eg including some information that you might have filled in on some forms on some
    A computer still functions on 1's and 0's, eg 1=on and 0=off. Not Sharing your stuff(see above) is 0.

6. Use the Quick View program that comes free with Win9.x to check on any files or attachments, eg
    after you have first saved them to disk. Or move up to Quick View Plus to have more features enabled. 
    Quick View doesn't run or edits any files. The closest it gets to that is a button in the QVP-window
     that enables you to CHOOSE to run the default associated program of that file-type.

I do understand and much appreciate your concern and plea for safety. Hope the above enlightens the
safety-subject   -for everyone who is also concerned-  a bit better, and to anyone who also wants to take
the right procautions.

Again, You the User alone, and being your own Administrator too, are the best guardian of Savety
on your machine.

The above refered to "previous mail" details are:
Subject: Re: intruders [Fw: Today's WinInfo: July 12]
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 01:11:39 +0200

Ton Maas
Dismiss the ".nospam" bit (including the dot) when replying.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Lionel Issen <lissen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <fasttrack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: woensdag 14 juli 1999 16:30
Subject: intruders viruses trojan horses

> This message was sent to me by a close freind.  I intend to foloow this
> policy on all future attachments.  If you send an attachment, please state
> that you have  created it or where you got it from, and what is the content
> of the attachment.
> "There has been a lot of commentary about the spread of computer viruses
> through email. Inevitably, they're spread primarily through email
> attachments.
> I receive many emails with attachments and it's difficult to tell what the
> attachment is, until it's opened and then it may be too late to avoid a
> virus. When you forward an attachment from someone else, you may,
> unknowingly, be passing on a virus that may sit dormant for an extended
> period of time before it creates a major problem.
> For this reason, I am very uncomfortable about opening attachments to
> emails
> unless I know who created the attachment. If you have created the
> attachment
> yourself, please say so in the body of the email. I think, though, that the
> best policy is to copy and paste the data that you are forwarding into the
> body of your email. This makes it safe to open, and lets people who cannot
> open attachments read it too."
> any comment?