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RE: intruders viruses trojan horses

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I'm so paranoid that when I got a couple of e-mails from someone I didn't
recognize, I just filed them away and fired off an e-mail asking who this
person was and why these attachments were being sent to me.  Turns out it
was a buddy from Detroit who had multiple e-mail accounts (I only used one).

This pasting into the body of the message makes a lot of sense.



-----Original Message-----
From:	owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Lionel  Issen
Sent:	Wednesday, July 14, 1999 7:30 AM
To:	metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; fasttrack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:	intruders viruses trojan horses

This message was sent to me by a close freind.  I intend to foloow this
policy on all future attachments.  If you send an attachment, please state
that you have  created it or where you got it from, and what is the content
of the attachment.

"There has been a lot of commentary about the spread of computer viruses
through email. Inevitably, they're spread primarily through email

I receive many emails with attachments and it's difficult to tell what the
attachment is, until it's opened and then it may be too late to avoid a
virus. When you forward an attachment from someone else, you may,
unknowingly, be passing on a virus that may sit dormant for an extended
period of time before it creates a major problem.

For this reason, I am very uncomfortable about opening attachments to
unless I know who created the attachment. If you have created the
yourself, please say so in the body of the email. I think, though, that the
best policy is to copy and paste the data that you are forwarding into the
body of your email. This makes it safe to open, and lets people who cannot
open attachments read it too."

any comment?