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Re: Software recommendations from Ton

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To cut a long story short, the DOS-Batch replacement is available
from the Microsoft-site, eg download the FREE ScriptIt program.
As well have a look at the FREE AutoIt program. See my homepage
for more info.

Both programs cannot "live" record macros, but you can easely include
keystrokes and mousemoves as macros in a script's source code
(since windows, batches are now scripts). And both are also so realy
easy to use, eg to "program" (plain : to write in NotePad).

Should you wish to use a program that can record macros, then check
out the shareware hangouts, like CNet, SoftSeek, ZDNet, WinFileCom
etc. and go to the programming or automation or productivity or buisiness
or another (plain) utilities section. There are that many programs available
at the moment, from MacroMagic to MacroRecorder to MacroScheduler
(and that is the "M" only) to RoboScript to Etc_150 etc. etc.

Macroing (general) 
But the main problems using these latter programs is that on a replay, not
always will the window positions be the same on screen as they were at
the time of recording, eg actions send to and moves made on screen will
not always be synchronic with (or arrive at all on) the current screen contents.
Also most of these programs are shareware (and will cease to function after
x-days of usage), and as is common when buying (shareware) programs also
includes, that if after a while you find the program not to be as succesfull as
you thought it to be at first, and also when automating (this applies to other
programs as well, tho) this finding out of a program's capacity, can well take
over more then 6 months to find out to be able to tell if the program does
also do ALL the work that you were expecting/imagining it do (i.e. in this
from an automating tool), then you are (like many others) also stuck with
another "Linux". Nice perhaps once you have bought it, but when unpacked
only to find out that the wheels have already been invented, eg elsewhere,
a long time ago, and tremendiously much for the better.

ScripIt (or AutoIt)
You can always switch within any ScriptIt or AutoIt script (forth and back) to your
pre-recorded macro program, then to switch back to the original script, or switch
between the other scripting languages supported by the WSH and then also switch
back again to your original (SI or AI) script, eg all from within that one same script.

VBScript provides the loop function (If, do, else, do this, do that) enabling users
to do multi-securities (multi folders) scanning, much desired by other List-members,
and is programming stuff for the more advanced/power users.  (eg for example
do a scan, copy report to excel, do next scan, copy its report to excel, then
compare notes, and remove any of the cells containing tickers that weren't listed
in any of the other column's cells etc. etc., a filter that can also easy be used to
uncheck securities in the "List of Securities to include" when scanning). As such,
and in a slightly different way, the ScriptIt and AutoIt program's scripts can be written
this way as well (apart from the loop-thing), but now in a lesser formal way.
VBScript (and ScriptIt/AutoIt for that matter too) are capable to do so many features
and are such superfast (unlike the MetaStock's Subs) programs and such powerfull
programs too, that only therefore these programs ought to be considered for your
automating tasks.
The sooner you start with them and the more you will practise using these programs,
the more (and in a reasonable time frame) you will get aquinted with these programs,
also to be to your current and to your (most important here) later advantage.
The VBScript can also inter-act (via message boxes) with user, i.e. get confirmations
(OK, No, Cancel) or get input (type Text) or use variable variables (supply can stem
from other sources), this is different then what you were used to in DOS- or Win-Batch.

By adding the WSH, eg the Windows Scripting Host, (to the OS as an OS-extension)
and for its supporting multiple languages nature (for automating, programming, program
writing and the internet) also has extended the Windows lifeline for yet another
few decades.
As such (the next 10-20 years) Windows as everyones OS's, will thus be around for a
much, much longer time, eg well into the next 21st century, only to let you gain from all
that is (now) already learned.
The steps, eg from the simple Run Command upto DOS batch, then upto ScriptIt
and then upto VBScript (and later maybe upto VBA,VB,C) are only the reasonable and
consequtive phasesteps one can make, in time and when getting aquinted with a

All these programs are real gems !!.  
Who then needs the above mentioned macroing programs?

Regarding the MetaStock 5.0+ not including a macro-program will either be because
the license to include AutoRun (or any other macro program) has expired, became too
costly or does not have Equis' priority. Seeing the above and the VB being licensed
out to other vendors, should not stop Equis to add either VBA or the freely available
VBScript into the MetaStock-program, eg much like VBA is also included in Excel.
The cheapest-not-costing-the-company-a-single-dime-way, would therefore be for
Equis to come forward on their website with many appropiate VBScripts, as nowadays
everyone will have either the new Internet Explorer 5+ or Windows 98+ editions
installed on their machines and as with these programs the WSH program
(Wscript, Cscript+VBScript) is FREE included, eg for everyones pleasure to enjoy
(especialy note for FREE).

The TweakUI was originaly part of the 95-PowerToys-set of utility programs (v95), got
included (as v98) on the 98-CdRom (D:\Tools\Reskit\Powertoys), but is left out of the
98SE. Therefore, the announcement was made by their originators, that a current
version can be downloaded, that is also suitable for 98SE, and that further improved
versions will be created and kept available for free.  

Ton Maas
Dismiss the ".nospam" bit (including the dot) when replying.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: CMA <cma6@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Metastock Digest <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: vrijdag 21 mei 1999 3:51
Subject: Software recommendations from Ton

> Ton, 
> Thanks for your continued recommendations in the
> software productivity area. 
>   Have you run across a program for running
> keyboard/mouse macros in Win98?
>   WSH and/or VB script seem to be overkill. But I have
> not been able to find anything equivalent to the old
> DOS batch language to automate tasks in Windows, e.g.,
>   in MetaStock 5.0 onwards, we still have no
> capability of running Autorun macros or any macros for
> that matter.
>    TweakAll looks interesting, but it is probably a
> beta program, since you have to download another file
> with a Control Panel Bug fix.
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