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Re: How to check emails for virus?

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Hi Walter,
 I believe Inoculate (and many other AV's) will scan any .exe, .com, .bat
before you
"execute" them. Also you can schedule hard-drive and/or directory scan's for
files.........I scan on a weekly bases, but it would be just as easy to
set-up a daily scan.

  Best wishes,
      Adam Hefner.

----- Original Message -----
From: Walter Lake <wlake@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Metastock bulletin board <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 8:46 AM
Subject: How to check emails for virus?

> Gee WFN ... you must be psychic knowing what I was thinking.
> (Duh, hey look at them fireworks, man, ain't dat cool.  I like these
> better'n the graphics Harley used to send out!)
> =========
> Seriously ... Staffan, it could have easily been me. I assumed that when
> virus protection was installed that it automatically notified me (beeped,
> buzzed or whatever) of an impending "bad thing" about to happen.
> Obviously not ...
> I believe that my IE5.0 emails files are held in "C:\Program Files\Outlook
> Express\Walter Lake\Mail"
> So when an email arrives, I should get the InnoculateIT program to check
> that file. I've tried "drag and drop" the email into InnoculateIT without
> success.
> Daniel wrote the following .."Although I have a filter for MetaStock
> ListServ posts, this message showed up in my Inbox (because of the
> format).  I started my Anti-Virus program and clicked on the Happy99.EXE
> file.  Immediately I got a virus alert from NAV v5. ..."
> Since he had to manually start the anti-virus program ... visual
> was the line of defense that saved him from infection.
> Why isn't this automatic?
> Maybe somebody can point me towards some information on the web, etc.
> Ton, what have you got in your files?
> Anyway ... I'm just relieved that my learning experience about virus was
> happy99 virus and not something more sinister.
> Best regards
> Walter