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Fw: The Virtual Portal Newsletter #10

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: The Virtual Portal Newsdesk <Stefan.Assmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: List Member <anthmaas@xxxxxx>
Sent: zaterdag 13 februari 1999 12:34
Subject: The Virtual Portal Newsletter #10

>The Virtual Portal Newsdesk - http://www.virtualportal.net
>This newsletter is a FREE service from The Virtual Portal,
>your number #1 source for all news Windows, software reviews,
>contests, gales news and much, much more. Point your browser to
>http://www.virtualportal.net and see for yourself why this site
>is so heavily visited!
>I. Computer News
>- another new version of IE 5.0
>- Microsoft is shopping again
>- Corel to be taken over by Adobe?
>- new way to beta test MS products
>- don't forget your Valentine!
>- Norton Utilities 4.0 due this month
>- Be personal or get a PC?
>- Utah develops new computer
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>II. Gaming News
>- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D
>- Team Fortress Classic (for Half Life) Shots
>- Duke Nukem 4Ever Interview
>- Kingpin Interview
>- If you have any news to share...
>I. Computer News
>Another new version of IE 5.0
>When I logged on to the Internet yesterday morning, I saw the boys at
>Redmond has posted yet another new version of IE 5.0 on the beta site.
>This time, it was build 1402.6, or according to the about-box,
>5.00.2014.0206. According to the readme on the site, no new issues have
>cropped up between this version and the last, leading me to believe they
>must be close to release. With IE 4.0, they also posted a few new builds
>only a few days apart from each other when getting ready for release. The
>goal is now to have a stable release by the end of this month, and by the
>looks of it, they will surely meet this deadline for a change. Would be
>one for the record books then: Microsoft meets its deadline! :-))
>Anyway, I haven't found any ear shattering new features yet, only that
>this build seems very fast on my machine. You can find screenshots of a
>few new features (in relation to beta 2) on the site.
>Microsoft is shopping again
>With each new release of one of its operating systems, Microsoft makes a
>habit of it to include some "grand new feature" that turns out to be some
>scaled-down version of a third-party application. Well, with the upcoming
>release of BackOffice 4.5, Microsoft does it again. And again Seagate may
>have the honours. This time it's the SE version (special edition) of
>Seagate Info, a reporting and analysis system with enterprise scalability.
>It includes pre-defined reports to track and analyse administrative data
>from BackOffice servers. The product included will be a five-user license
>of version 6. Additional licenses and the full recent package (version 7)
>have to be bought from Seagate of course....
>Corel to be taken over by Adobe?
>Last Wednesday, some persistent rumours were going about that Corel is in
>merger talks with Adobe. According to Mr. O'Reilly, the CFO of Corel, such
>talks have never been taking place and aren't taking place now. I surely
>hope he's correct in this, I like the style of Corel much better than
>New way to beta test MS products
>The question I get e-mailed to me at least 25 times a day is how to become
>a beta tester for Microsoft (apart from the fact they ask how I became
>one). Well, to answer your first question: you either get yourself a
>universal MSDN subscription, you become a technical beta tester by
>e-mailing betareq@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, or you become a solution provider. Now
>Microsoft has added a fourth option with its new TechNet Plus
>subscriptions. Apart from the usual monthly TechNet CD's packed chock-full
>of super interesting information you should al learn by heart, TechNet
>Plus will get you the monthly current beta stuff as well.
>TechNet Plus will be launched in the US on Aril 1 (I assure you this is no
>joke). TechNet Plus will cost you either $449 for the normal stuff or $849
>for the server version, which will allow you to post the TechNet CD on the
>server in your network for more people to access it. Go to
>http://www.microsoft.com/technet/subscription/how.htm for further info. 
>Don't forget your Valentine!
>This Sunday, February 14, it's that time of year again. The day for all
>you lovebirds out there has once again come! And Microsoft is of course
>more than willing to help you out with a few things....
>In this case it's MSN Canada at http://msn.ca. Apart from the usual stuff
>like lingerie, perfume and other stuff at more or less decent prices and
>delivered within two days by FedEx, the site also features a Love Quiz,
>and tells you how romantic you really are. I passed with flying colours
>Norton Utilities 4.0 due this month
>Don't you hate this? Having to hear from a magazine that doesn't even know
>the product when it's going to be released before you get the official
>announcement from the company itself.
>Anyway, the "new" utility suite contains a "one-button systems checker",
>an old revved-up DOS utility in a Windows dressing and the software is now
>placed on a bootable CD for all those forgetful types out there that never
>bother to create emergency diskettes until it's of course too late. It
>also contains some nonsense utility to check out your modem setup.
>The thing will cost you $49.99 with a $10 rebate. 
>IMHO, the suite in its own is certainly worth its money, but the "4.0"
>designation is a bit too much for me. 3.1 would've been better and more
>realistic. Because the one-button checker is nothing more than the already
>in place Norton system doctor with one or two added tests, the old DOS app
>is WipeInfo to clean your disks like it should and nothing earth
>shattering, and booting from CD is a very nice feature indeed, but also
>nothing "new" to me.
>BTW, this one is for Windows 9x ONLY. A new NT version is long overdue and
>is rumoured to be worked upon...
>Be personal or get a PC?
>Which would you prefer? Being personal regarding your income, spending
>habits and Net interests, or give these away to some company and get a PC
>in return? Well, if you like the latter, go to Free-PC.com and fill out
>the survey you'll find there. In return, you'll get yourself a Compaq
>Presario with free Internet access and e-mail. According to the site, over
>half a million people have already filled out the survey. 
>There's no such thing as a free lunch, the saying goes, and here too is a
>catch of course. Advertisers will target your computer with your specific
>and self-defined desires, watch where you go on-line and what you buy.
>Hmmm, I wouldn't do this for sure, not even if it were a Compaq ProLinea
>6500...(for those of you unfamiliar with this beast, go to
>http://www.compaq.com). And besides, the company has only 10.000 PC's at
>the moment to ship...
>Utah develops new computer
>Star Bridge Systems, a small start-up in Utah, claims to have invented the
>fastest and most flexible computer architecture in the world. The new
>hypercomputer is called "Hal" and does 12.84 trillion calculations per
>second, roughly equivalent to 60.000 times the speed of a Pentium II 350.
>The thing has the size of a normal PC, weighs less than 150 pounds and
>plugs into a normal wall outlet. But don't get your hopes up yet, as some
>computer specialist say they want to test the thing with real-live
>applications first and use 64-bit arithmetic instead of 4-bit. The
>computer has 280 chips on 36 special circuit boards. The thing will cost
>Bill about half his fortune, namely $26 million. For that money, you DO
>get a team of 120 programmers who will code whatever you like. Hmmm, maybe
>a port of Windows 2000 would finally run like it should: fast :-))
>II. Gaming News
>Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D
>The next games review from Virtual Portal will be on the new Star Wars:
>Rogue Squadron 3D. It will be on the site soon, but before that I have a
>question. If anyone knows how (in the *PC* version) you can fly the
>Millennium Falcon PLEASE email me (games@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) - PS it's NOT
>the same code as the N64 version (FARMBOY)...
>Team Fortress Classic (for Half Life) Shots
>After news that Valve was going to charge full price for Team Fortress 2
>it announced it would develop Team Fortress Classic (a port from the Quake
>version) for Half Life, for free! It's coming along VERY NICELY by the
>looks of things.
>There are some screenshots on the following page:
>Also, there's a very big article on TFClassic here:
>Duke Nukem 4Ever Interview
>Duke Nukem Forever, the VERY eagerly awaited follow-up from Duke Nukem 3D
>(damn I love that game :) ) looks set to take the world by storm when it's
>released.....Read the following interview for an insight into DN4Ever.
>Kingpin interview
>The terrific new 3D-1st person shooter (based on the Quake II engine) is
>coming along very nicely...Read an interview:
>If you have any news to share...
>If anyone has any interesting gaming news they wish to share email the
>Games Editor at games@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and it may be included in the
>newsletter. You'll be credited of course.
>And that's it again for this week! Have a splendid weekend and for all you
>lovers out there: happy Valentine!
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