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Results Re:Volunteers Tests 1&2

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The results of my download tests (as seen thru my eyes) are:

1) The theoretical (and not attainable) download speed for the first file is:
   10.55975758 seconds = 43,559 bytes * 8 bits per byte / 33,000 (33 Kbps)

2) More realistic (should be attainable) is to double the above number. I
expected a 21 second download time and G.G. managed it in 20 seconds. (Guy
your ISP is transmitting a little slow!)

That is: 5700+ tickers in 20-30 seconds using a 33 Kbps modem! This is
MAXIMUM! Therefore, if you have a slower or faster modem/ISP adjust the
figures accordingly.  Also, Jim G. with his 12,000 tickers should be able to
handle that amount of data in 40-60 seconds, and again this is MAXIMUM using
a 33 Kbps modem.

OKAY, so what really happened?  2 weeks ago I was in central Africa. Now I
am in South America, 100 miles past the last bastion of civilization if you
call the last clutch of huts we past (without running water, electricity, or
telephone), civilized. Due to some kinky USA law (I am not a US citizen)
about the import/export of high technology to/into "unfriendly" governments
(but friendly 
enough for the Americans to buy their Oil to run in their cars), I can only
have a AT - yes an AT-286 class laptop in the field. My real computer (not a
PC) is in a closet in a North American city, of which I have not physically
seen in over 2 years. And, from the farthest reaches of the planet I
convinced a "news-bot" to fetch the data, an OS to convert it into MS
format, and a "mail-bot" to send/mail it out. That is, I (with the help of
G.G and Guy T.) put 5700+ tickers on G.G computer (in Italy) in 20 seconds,
and the same number of tickers on Guy T. computer (in Los Angeles) in 30
seconds, from the middle of absolutely no where!

Equis, your programmers at the air-conditioned ivory tower in Salt Lake City
can't do this??


Now, before you post your lame, (but politically correct) response, let me
say I know exactly why YOU can't figure this out!  Also, I am not afraid to
post those reasons on this list! Your response please......

BTW:  Equis, you want to fiddle with the System Tester and maybe the
Explorer (which do need improvements), but maybe, just maybe, you should
start with the Downloader! Fix and perfect the data transmission system
FIRST and BEFORE you start other improvement projects!

Before anyone complains that 2 small test datasets justifies my position,
think of this: Just how many GIF files are transmitted over this list error
free?  Binary data, or packed ASCII data after all is just data! And, the
reason I am in the most distant places on this planet is due to Crude Oil. I
am a Black Oil Reservoir Simulation Engineer, (Black Oil=Crude still in the
ground), and  why the makers of this planet couldn't place Black Oil
Reservoirs closer to civilization is still a complete mystery to me!! <G>
BOR  databases are huge and pack down to a very small 20-25 megs which we
routinely beam around the planet twice (maybe three, rarely four) times a
day, fully secured!

Listees, DEMAND BETTER! There isn't any reason on earth to see ID=800
errors! (Or packet time-out errors, or any other transmission errors for
that matter!) 

Dan H. 

PS: To add a little salt to this wound: Due to the old computer I am
"forced" to use, I don't have a reason to upgrade my old MS for DOS version
4.0, which BTW, just happens to be Y2K compliant! Anyone want a/my Y2K test
data set?