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Re: Metastock eod 6.52 upgrade

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Jim, Ian +All

The Downloader was reading+writing to the hard disk before the Patch
as well. Even to the 4x wave character (" ~ ") in the name marked files.

One of the new files is the convert log file " Conrept.dta ", but reading this
file is not so easy because of the " .dta " being choosen as the file type.
Also I asume this is also so choosen as the file is to be part of the
Downloaders' system file-set.
So be carefull in usage when accidently Editing the file. For safety reasons
a viewer might be better to be used, but surely never let any program
overwrite the file, apart from the Equis program.

The Downloader is indeed one of the slowest updating-programs around, but
also here are some tips on using to Convert with the Downloader 'smoothly'
and to be added to the List's DL-Tips List :

-Do NOT EVER keep more then 100 - 200 securities stored in one(1) folder
-'Always' apply Traverse Folders option in Convert Dialog's Option|Destination TAB
-Keep clean folders by running the Test Tool once in a while
-Test data files regularly for main errors using the Test Tool
-Update daily/regularly
-Do historical or refreshing sessions at times when you can be away from the computer 
-Always delete any of the above (" ~ ") wave character marked files
-Use ASCI-TXT for daily data and Excel4.0 sheets for historical data

In Win95/98/NT:
-Do not have screensavers running while converting
-Use the Downloader from a fresh clean Win95 boot start
-Run Scandisk and Defrag programs frequent on a regurelarly basis
   -Automate any of your daily conversion jobs

Ton Maas

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jim Michael <genepool@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: dinsdag 5 januari 1999 23:08
Subject: Re: Metastock eod 6.52 upgrade

>On Tue, 5 Jan 1999, George Ashton wrote:
>> Thanks Jim, I'll try that though I did NOT have a problem prior to
>> installing the 6.52 upgrade. I did note that someone on this list reckoned
>> that the Downloader was now opening and closing the ?master file for each
>> and every security instead of opening the file, doing the job, then closing
>> it. I'd go along with that when I watch my hard drive light thrashing around.
>Yes, Ian sent me a copy of his original post to that effect. He said he 
>reverted back to 6.5 pending a fix to 6.52.