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Re: Stochastics and MetaStock System Tester

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Hello Larry,
<BR>No, I want to be able to run EOD system tests which will produce reliable
results.&nbsp; What I want is for Equis to use intraday signals on their
stops.&nbsp; This shouldn't be hard, even if the day is a whipsaw day.&nbsp;
If the stop is within the day's low/high range, the position is closed.&nbsp;
Otherwise, if the stock or index makes a very large move, you end up losing
a large percentage of your investment.&nbsp; <B>In reality, this would
<I>never</I> happen<I>.</I></B>

<P>Let's say you are running a system test using multiple OPTx variables
and you unknowingly struck gold.&nbsp; One of the combinations of OPTx's
is a winner, the one which will make you rich and independently wealthy
(ye Holy Grail of TA).&nbsp; $35 Mill. Malibu mansion, here I come!!&nbsp;<IMG SRC="cid:part1.363247F5.BB3D63A1@xxxxxxxx"; HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALIGN=ABSBOTTOM>&nbsp;
One single large moving day can skew the results of that combination test
so badly, it can turn a winning system into a mediocre or, even worse,
a losing system.&nbsp; So, you end up casting that golden system aside.&nbsp;
Good-bye mansion, good-bye wealth, good-bye jet setter lifestyle.&nbsp;<IMG SRC="cid:part2.363247F5.BB3D63A1@xxxxxxxx"; HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALIGN=ABSBOTTOM>

<P>Because of the way MetaStock's EOD System Tester works, the results
are suspect and will not give you accurate results.&nbsp; You would have
to manually check each security to see if it had volatile days.&nbsp; I
want&nbsp; to use EOD data because using several years of data will allow
me to create systems for short-term intraweek trading.&nbsp; <B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">All
I want is for Equis to <I>fix it</I> and I am even willing to pay $50 for
the upgrade.</FONT></B>


<P>P.S.:&nbsp; I appreciate that GIF you sent me.&nbsp; But I think you
should know, that moving spider took up 56K.&nbsp; Those little smiley
faces I insert are little more than &frac14;K each.&nbsp; Your total message
size was 82K and was larger than my personally set download limit.&nbsp;
My mail server doesn't have much bandwidth, so when I get large messages,
it tends to take awhile to download.&nbsp; While I am writing this message,
I can't even get mail for some reason.

<P>Because Netscape saves all PIC's within the message content and not
separately, I had to delete your message.&nbsp; I don't like to keep large
messages in my Netscape folders because all similar messages are combined
into a single file.&nbsp; I have only resumed receiving messages from this
ListServ since 10/16 and my Netscape MetaStock ListServ file is already
1.3 MB's.

<P>The only time I keep large messages is when it has a chart.&nbsp; However,
even then, the sender should use his personal web space.&nbsp; Using converter
software, a word processor, and FTP Explorer (which is free), the process
takes just as long to convert to GIF, write in HTML, and upload.&nbsp;
FTP Explorer even supports drag and drop from Windows Explorer to your
web space.&nbsp;<IMG SRC="cid:part3.363247F5.BB3D63A1@xxxxxxxx"; HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALIGN=ABSBOTTOM>

<P>L Petersen wrote:
<BR>You are trying to be both a day trader and a long term position trader;
that is hard to do with the same tests.&nbsp; I am not sure that what you
are looking for can be done at any price.

<P>One thing that I can say, which might help:&nbsp; The 6.51 Pro real
time version of MS can do separate tests on both intraday charts (I use
3 min.)&nbsp; and daily data.&nbsp; Believe me the indicators are often
completely different (contrary) on charts with different time period orientation.

<P>I use the day trading version of MS and find that a simple trend line
usually is the best stop signal for me.&nbsp; Sometimes the trend line
is supported by the system, but often it is not.&nbsp; You might try using
a trend line exit on whatever intraday chart that you have access to.


<P>Daniel Martinez wrote:
<BR>When I wrote my first email, I suspected I'd have to do that.&nbsp;
The problem is I'll have to write a formula which incorporates 3 different
stochastics with variables all at the same time.&nbsp; Since I am not fully
familiar with the System Tester, I think it will take at least a full day.

<P>Also, <B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Metastock has a poor implementation of
stops.</FONT></B>&nbsp; In actual trading, I would never allow more than
a 15% loss in one day.&nbsp; However, using end-of-day data, MetaStock
doesn't use intraday stops.&nbsp; &lt;snip></BLOCKQUOTE>
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