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George/Equis, etc

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As far as I can tell, the support dept is the support dept and is not
responsible for implementing user's suggestions into the next version.  Sending
suggestions to the support dept uses a middleman when you don't need to.  The
downside to sending suggestions to the suggestion dept is that I don't think
there's any type of acknowledgment that it was received, leaving one to wonder.

A lot of users have posted suggestions to this list and I hope and expect that
this will continue.  If any of us reads a suggestion here and agrees that it
would make Equis a better product but we fail to *individually* e-mail the Equis
suggestion dept to let them know our wishes, we are at the very least partly to
blame when it doesn't show up in a new version.  It's obvious that some of the
users on this list are very good at letting Equis know their wishes, and
rightfully so, but my best guess is that the majority of subscribers to this
list don't take the time to personally e-mail the suggestion dept.

If a suggestion is posted to this list and 10 or 20 people respond that they are
in agreement, how many are Equis aware of that want this suggestion in a future
release?  There may be a very high percentage of users on this list who also
would like this feature, but if they don't individually e-mail  Equis, Equis can
only assume that it is a feature that is not in high demand.

As far as jumping on George, he may not even particularly want to read this list
on a daily basis.  Or maybe it's the highlight of his day for all I know.   I do
know that I wouldn't want to *have* to read each and every one of these
e-mails.  At least we non Equis employees have the option to use the delete key
at will.  I would imagine that after a while each of us would get tired of
hearing the same questions and suggestions from any one individual.  There's
nothing wrong with a little follow-up, but to much follow-up can have sometimes
have negative consequences.  I do know that if I want Equis e-mail support help,
George can't be beat as far as I'm concerned.  He's always helped me out or
explained why what I want isn't possible.  George, the programmers, mangagement,
marketing, - take your pick -  aren't trying to submarine the company.  Maybe
that will be the end result, but I seriously doubt it.  They might not move as
fast as we would like, but what company does?  There are a lot of changes that
we'd all like to see, and aside from taking our business elsewhere, the best we
can do is present our wants to the attention of Equis in a reasonable manner.
Then the ball is in their court, and if they drop it we're always free to find a
new game.  I suspect that I'll never find a single trading program that does
everything I want, or will want.

Most of the suggestions posted to this list are great and I'm all for them.  Not
to beat a dead horse, but out of every ten good suggestions that have been
posted, how many of us personally e-mailed Equis to let them know we too want to
see this in an upcoming release?   I know some of us have, but I bet most
haven't.  I know I haven't e-mailed as many as I should have, but now's a good
time to start.  I suppose it could be as easy as forwarding a suggestion bearing
e-mail that someone else posted if you don't have the time or inclination to
write one yourself.  Just sign your name and say: Yeah, me too.

As for a user survey of features we'd like to see, that a great idea.  Since
they mail out the Equis Moniter anyway, how about including a survey of what new
features we users would most like to see in an upcoming release?
