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Re: Wish List

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AMEN! I also have two wish-list requests.

1)  Importing data in from Excel or a text file and be able to include it in
formulas, explorations, etc. would be most helpful. I have a custom
indicator I cannot do much with right now because of current inabilities of
Metastock to do this without major headaches. I run an exploration that
captures market trends. I export it to Excel, average it, and want to import
it back into Metastock to then subtract the market influence from the custom
indicator to determine true stock performance. PLEASE include this
capability in the next version!

2)  Macro capabilities and/or better layout of buttons. I keep a printed log
of all final explorations, system tests, and trade info. When I do a system
test, I print the result, inspect the trades, and print. To close, the poor
layout of the close buttons have the user running up and down the screen
left and right to close all the open windows to proceed to the next test.
Take a close look at this. Either macro capabilities to automate it, or
please put the close buttons in the same place on all dialog boxes to reduce
time wasted movements.

Mark D. Jala
Lakeside Analytics, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: William W. Schnabel <schnabel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Wish List

>These two items would open a whole new universe of possibilities for
>1> A Function, that would load an ascii text file as and indicator and a
variable for the security name(maybe the date as well):
> The ascii text file would be:
> Date, Indicator.
> mPath := "c:\NeuralNets\" & SecurityName & ".txt"
> NetResult := LoadFile(mPath);
> This could be used in custom indicators, system tests, and explorations.
>This would allow the powerful stategy of being able to test a security for
relative strength' compaired to a market.  It also solves the problem of
easily being able to include things like Neural Net indicators and complex
calculations from spreadsheets.