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RE: [amibroker] Pointvalue

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//permanent TickSize for all futures

TickSize_ = IIf(SymbL1 == "6" OR SymbL2 ==  "E7", 0.0001,

            IIf(SymbL2 == "6B" , 0.0002,

            IIf(SymbL2 == "6J" , 0.000001,

            IIf(SymbL2 == "ER" OR SymbL2 == "SP" OR SymbL2 == "IN" OR
SymbL2 == "ME", 0.1,

            IIf(SymbL2 == "ES" OR SymbL2 == "NQ", 0.25,

            IIf(SymbL2 == "YM" OR SymbL2 == "TI", 1.0, 0.01))))));


InvTick = Nz(1/TickSize_) ; // save On divisions



StaticVarSet("InvTick"+Name(),LastValue(InvTick) ) ;

Joseph Biran

-----Original Message-----
From: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [ <mailto:amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
mailto:amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of dralexchambers
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 11:06 AM
To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [amibroker] Pointvalue

Sorry - so many questions being posted today!!!

How do I ascertain the point value of the current symbol, eg:

If GOOG, then = $0.01 (1 cent)

If DAX, then = 1.0

If GBPUSD, then = 0.0001

I am using this to create my stop loss (ie. one "point" below low)

Thanks again - alex

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