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Re: [amibroker] FAO-Fred Tonetti................Re: Making projections and Plotting them beyond the last bar in the data set

  • To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [amibroker] FAO-Fred Tonetti................Re: Making projections and Plotting them beyond the last bar in the data set
  • From: "Michael.S.G." <OzFalconAB@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 08:23:08 +1000

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    I had previously written an example of Future Projection (Simple 
However, I neglected to post it to the AFL Library. So I have posted it now.
It may show you an example of what you may be looking for.


Rakesh Sahgal wrote:
> Hi
> A while back in response to a message from me you had said that it was 
> possible to plot projections beyond the last bar in the chart using 
> shift feature of the plot statement.
> Now to make sure I have not misunderstood you I am repeating the steps 
> you said need to be followed:
> 1. Make the primary computation.
> 2. Shift it back to the left by the number of bar we want to make the 
> projection for.
> 3. Compute the projections.
> 4. Plot the computations including the projection, shifting it back to 
> the right. The number of bars we use to shift the plot to the right 
> will be twice the number of bars we used to tshift the data to the left.
> Please correct me wherever I am wrong in the steps detailed above.
> Also if I am not able to make it work can you examine the code and 
> tell me how to fix it or if possible share an example how you have 
> gone about doing this.
> Thanks in advance for your help & time.
> Regards
> Rakesh
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