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[amibroker] Re: Real-Time Trading System Examples

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<FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2>The RT version and the EOD version of AB are the same. The 
difference is the key.dll you get from TJ.
<FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2> 
<FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2>The RT version can read both kinds of 
<FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2> 
<FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2>d

  From: danielwardadams 
  [mailto:danielwardadams@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 
  9:40 PMTo: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: [amibroker] 
  Re: Real-Time Trading System Examples
  I've applied to the other list but can't access it 
  yet.Maybe it's apparent from what you say there but would there be a 
  need for simultaneous instances if you could access the EOD database 
  directly from an RT instance? If not, you could just run the EOD 
  version once a day to update the data. Does the EOD version ever need 
  to access the RT version for anything?Dan--- In 
  amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Herman van den Bergen" <psytek@xxxx> 
  wrote:> You may want to read my post on the DLL list> <A 
  > From my post you will see that I prefer two independent but 
  simultaeous,> AmiBroker instances (one RT and one EOD) so that they 
  can communicate with> each other. I would be quite happy to run the 
  EOD on one screen and run the> RT on another - as long as my RT 
  could access the EOD Signals and> Statistics.> > I 
  currently have a prototype running in this fashion, it requires 
  Exporting> the EOD tradelist to allow my RT code to read it. I use 
  String Manipulation> to parse the code, match dates, and fill in my 
  RT data with EOD> signals/prices. While running RT i use the selected 
  (or loop) date to> retrieve the relevant Row from the TradeReport 
  file. It works but is slow> and still buggie, I would prefer a 
  simple and fast DLL as outlined in my DLL> post. As you can read 
  there it would offer a variety of other attractive> applications. 
  With a little luck somebody with C-expertise will like the> idea 
  and write a DLL. Most of the work has already been done and is> 
  available from the public domain OSAKA C-Sourcecode in DLL files.> 
  > wrt the -at list, I gave up on Ninja because i found it too 
  highly> integrated with it's proprietary Entry/Exit strategies. I 
  prefer to do my> "own thing" using the simplest possible API 
  interface. There haven't been> many posts because Tomasz may be 
  offering Automated trading at some point,> it would be unlikely for 
  any parallel efforts to be competative in terms of> features, 
  reliability and delivery date.> > best regards,> 
  herman>   -----Original Message----->   
  From: mrdavis9 [mailto:mrdavis9@xxxx]>   Sent: Sunday, April 
  11, 2004 5:23 PM>   To: 
  amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>   Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: 
  Real-Time Trading System Examples>   Importance: High> 
  > >   My post below was intended to encourage you to 
  keep this discussion> PUBLIC, and only use private emails where 
  necessary.   I won't have time to> study it in depth till 
  later.  However, I am saving all automated trading> 
  discussions that I see in an Outlook Express folder entitled 
  AUTOMATED> TRADING.   I don't have a lot of saved 
  messages yet, but I have copied one> here as an example of what I 
  am saving, I saw this on the Ninja Trader yahoo> group.  I 
  stopped watching their discussions awhile back.  Ron 
  >   I've taken 5 systems which I was using to trade manually, 
  changed>   them so they can run without me, backtested them 
  on IRT until I'm>   happy with them and set them off 
  live.> >   Expectancy (based on (Pw * Aw)- (Pl * Al) 
  where P = probability, A =>   Average, w = win and l = 
  loss) ranges from 1.8 to 2.7 and R/R from>   2.4 to 6.1. 
  Percent wins range from 38% to 52% in the backtest>   period. 
  All systems use a variety of indicators (CCI, FASTD and>   
  custom indicators mostly) and multiple time frames.> 
  >   The single most important factor in improving backtested 
  performance>   turned out to be identifying conditions in 
  longer timeframes which>   lead to poor results and modifying 
  the scans to prevent trading when>   those conditions 
  apply. With some scans this results in very few>   trades (15 
  or 20 per quarter) so backtest results are 
  statistically>   dubious and, as backtesting itself is 
  not a 100% representation of>   what will happen in real 
  life, I will hold off buying the yacht for>   the 
  timebeing.> >   
  ----- Original Message ----->     From: 
  dingo>     To: 
  amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     Sent: Sunday, April 
  11, 2004 1:49 PM>     Subject: RE: [amibroker] Re: 
  Real-Time Trading System Examples> > 
  >     I posted some code (vbScript) to export the 
  trade list under some> circumstances - look back using this thread 
  subject.> >     d> > > 
  From: mrdavis9 
  [mailto:mrdavis9@xxxx]>       Sent: 
  Sunday, April 11, 2004 2:38 PM>       To: 
  amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       Subject: 
  Re: [amibroker] Re: Real-Time Trading System Examples> > 
  >       I am also interested in the 
  subject of this thread.  Ron 
  D>         ----- Original 
  Message ----->         From: 
  danielwardadams>         To: 
  Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 1:30 
  PM>         Subject: 
  [amibroker] Re: Real-Time Trading System Examples> > 
  >         Herman & 
  dingo,>         I'd also be 
  interested in anything you come up with. I want to 
  solve>         the same problem 
  as you Herman. Hope you're making better 
  progress>         than me 
  though ...> >         
  Dan> > >         
  --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "dingo" <dingo@xxxx> 
  wrote:>         > sounds 
  neat.  I'll contact you off-line to work up some 
  >>         > 
  >>         >   
  >>         > From: Herman 
  van den Bergen 
  > Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 9:51 
  PM>         > To: 
  > Subject: RE: [amibroker] Real-Time Trading System 
  >>         > Anytime you 
  are ready, if you write the code for the 
  tradelist>         export 
  I'll>         > share 
  whatever afl I turn out to read the file from RT 
  :-)>         > I have the 
  basics working and hope to finish it over the 
  weekend.>         It is 
  kind>         > of neat you 
  just click anywhere on the RT chart and see all the> 
  EOD>         > particulars 
  in the RT Interpretation window :-) still have to 
  do>         the 
  date>         > 
  >>         > 
  >>         > 
  Message----->         > 
  From: dingo 
  > Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 9:37 
  PM>         > To: 
  > Subject: RE: [amibroker] Real-Time Trading System 
  Examples>         > 
  Importance: High>         
  >>         > Your 
  BTW  is EXACTLY what I was going to 
  >>         > I'll work 
  you up something to do the exporting (and little 
  bit>         more). 
  How>         > soon do you 
  need it?>         
  >>         > 
  >>         >   
  >>         > From: Herman 
  van den Bergen 
  > Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 9:13 
  PM>         > To: 
  > Subject: RE: [amibroker] Real-Time Trading System 
  >>         > 
  >>         > 
  Message----->         > 
  From: dingo 
  > Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 7:49 
  PM>         > To: 
  > Subject: RE: [amibroker] Real-Time Trading System 
  Examples>         > 
  Importance: High>         
  >>         > I'm still 
  trying to get my head around what approach you're> 
  wanting>         to 
  >>         > Are you 
  going to use EOD data and formula to produce your 
  signals?>         > Yes, 
  because they are more accurate than RT signals - for what i> 
  >>         > Or are you 
  going to use Realtime data and another formula to do> 
  your>         > 
  entries?>         > 
  >>         > Are you 
  going to use Realtime data and formula to 
  manage>         stops/exits 
  for>         > open 
  positions?>         > 
  >>         > If that's 
  the case then you won't need to mix your databases 
  and>         your 
  EOD>         > formula can 
  be separate from the realtime formula, 
  right?>         > Indeed, 
  but only in real trading, the problem is that I need 
  to>         > 
  develop&optimize the RT components with backtesting. How would 
  I>         optimize 
  my>         > RT stops over 
  historical data if I don't have access to the 
  signals,>         > stock 
  picks, scores, shares, and trade-prices in my formula? 
  All>         these 
  are>         > based on EOD 
  data and can not be calculated accurately in 
  >>         > I assume you 
  have the EOD formula that generates the buys 
  working>         > 
  satisfactorily?>         > 
  Yes, but is is price sensitive and gets all confused dealing with> 
  things>         > like -17 
  to +30 cts RT volatility/noise of the OHLC Prices 
  >>         > If you are 
  going to use a formula to manage your stops/exits 
  have>         you 
  been>         > able to 
  complete this or is this the question that you're 
  asking?>         > There 
  are many formulas and i haven't decided which to use, 
  My>         system 
  must>         > first work 
  with EOD performance in an RT 
  >>         > Assuming you 
  have a formula to manage those stops/exits - have 
  worked>         > out a way 
  to trigger the trade?>         
  > NO.>         
  >>         > I believe 
  you mentioned that Ninja Trader wasn't the answer.  
  Is>         this 
  a>         > piece you're 
  asking about as well?>         
  > Not now, waiting for TJ to introduce automation... i still 
  have>         work to 
  do>         > and hope to be 
  ready when TJ is...>         
  >>         > Lots of 
  questions, eh?>         > 
  Not really; I have a lot more 
  >>         > I'm asking 
  because I'm headed in that direction as well - just 
  not>         as 
  ready>         > as you are 
  right now.>         > Let me 
  know how things work out for you... and what path you> 
  >>         > BTW, today I 
  thought of another approach, a brute force 
  method>         alright 
  but>         > it might 
  work. I simply export the entire EOD trade list and 
  read>         it 
  from>         > the RT code. 
  For each RT date I look up the matching EOD row in> 
  Trade>         > list, I 
  then extract whatever information i need. Tried it, It 
  actually>         > faster 
  than i expected. All i need now is an automatic Export 
  at>         the end 
  of>         > my EOD 
  backtest ;-) any 
  >>         > 
  >>         > 
  >>         > 
  >>         >   
  >>         > From: Herman 
  van den Bergen 
  > Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 12:01 
  PM>         > To: 
  > Subject: RE: [amibroker] Real-Time Trading System 
  >>         > [d]Or are 
  you trying to take an EOD system and trying to make 
  system>         > "more 
  granular" and pick the same patterns in intraday 
  >>         > I am mainly 
  trying to improve Entries and Exits, i am not 
  for>         > patterns. The 
  systems work fine in EOD but I observed on the 
  RT>         charts 
  that>         > i often miss 
  locking in some really nice profits that fade before> 
  I>         exit. 
  So>         > i want to code 
  in Trailing stops that activate at a certain 
  profit>         and 
  than>         > exit when 
  the price drops back a bit. For example, if my 
  profits>         reaches 
  2%>         > during the 
  first two hours of the trade, then i want to activate 
  a>         Stop 
  and>         > exit when my 
  profits drop back to 1.5%. ApplyStops cannot be 
  used>         in 
  very>         > short-term 
  (1-3 days) trading because on the day of exit it 
  is>         unknown 
  which>         > came first, 
  the High or the Low, or with profit stops, how 
  many>         dips 
  there>         > were during 
  the day that would have terminated the trade. RT 
  data>         is 
  needed>         > to develop 
  proper stops. limits, etc. with the short trades i 
  >>         > If i trade 
  1-3 times a week and i might be able to reduce 
  my>         exposure by 
  50%>         > if I managed 
  to get out based on profits instead of timing. I> 
  prefer>         > overall 
  less profits if it came with less exposure. Also, 
  the>         strength 
  of>         > signals fades 
  pretty fast... have you ever tested your 
  n-Bar>         profits? 
  i.e.>         > profits made 
  on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd day? You can vary the 
  entry>         delay 
  and>         > use n-Bar 
  stops to limit the trade duration, that way 
  you>         can 
  "isolated">         > single 
  days (profits) of your trade. For me, typical 
  distributions>         > 
  might be 65% 25% 10% for a system with an average of 3-bar 
  trades.>         So 
  the>         > first day 
  obviously has the greatest profit potential at the 
  exposure.>         > IMHO, 
  short term signals have a limited life-time: after a 
  certain>         number 
  of>         > days you are 
  just hoping to get lucky :-) knowing your 
  n-Bar>         profits 
  may>         > help you 
  decide whether it is worth it (risk) to stay in a trade> 
  >>         > [d] IMHO you 
  are in un-charted waters as far as AB 
  >>         > We got some 
  smart cookies on this list, I just can't believe 
  that>         nobody 
  is>         > working on 
  this; it appears the obvious way to keep your EOD> 
  working>         > now that 
  RT trading is catching on. So I hope you are wrong on> 
  this>         one 
  >>         > 
  >>         > 
  Message----->         > 
  From: dingo 
  > Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 11:21 
  AM>         > To: 
  > Subject: RE: [amibroker] Real-Time Trading System 
  Examples>         > 
  Importance: High>         
  >>         > IMHO you are 
  in un-charted waters as far as AB 
  >>         > Are you 
  trying to come up with a system to do backtesting with 
  or>         one 
  to>         > monitor trades 
  / manage stops for real-time trading?  Or are 
  you>         trying 
  to>         > take an EOD 
  system and trying to make your system "more 
  granular">         and 
  pick>         > the same 
  patterns in intraday 
  >>         > 
  >>         >   
  >>         > From: Herman 
  van den Bergen 
  > Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 11:14 
  AM>         > To: AmiBroker 
  YahooGroups>         > 
  Subject: [amibroker] Real-Time Trading System 
  >>         > Would 
  anybody have some example code for Real Time trading> 
  systems?>         I 
  have>         > considerable 
  trouble converting EOD systems to RT data - tried 
  too>         many 
  ways>         > to mention 
  but always hit a snag at some advanced point. My> 
  areas>         > 
  >>         > 1) 
  Converting or duplicating EOD signals to RT, I need this> 
  because>         EOD 
  data>         > prices are 
  more accurate than those I get from RT 
  sources.>         > 2) 
  Running the basic EOD system in RT, i.e. reproduce EOD 
  signals>         in RT. 
  I>         > want this as a 
  verification stage before trying to enhance 
  the>         system 
  with>         > RT 
  data>         > 3) Custom 
  coding Profit targets, Limit Prices and 
  Stops.>         > 4) 
  Optimizing entry points by using Pre/after hours trading 
  using>         > 
  delayed/early entries and 
  exits.>         > 5) Showing 
  EOD Arrows (derived from EOD data, not from RT data) 
  on>         my 
  minute>         > 
  >>         > If anybody 
  has example code or reference URLs to share that 
  would>         be 
  much>         > 
  >>         > Also, i am 
  beginning to wonder how many subscribers, if any, 
  actually>         > solved 
  the above problems. If you have done so perhaps you 
  can>         share 
  this>         > simple fact 
  (no code needed), knowing that it has been 
  done>         successfully 
  is>         > a great 
  motivator :-)>         
  >>         > TIA and best 
  regards,>         > 
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