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Re: [amibroker] Re: Please send unmarked bills, in a brown paper bag, to: ...

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I've recently moved from Metastock to 
AmiBroker so haven't picked up the acronyms yet. What is PT? It's difficult to 
search the archives for "PT". I get 99 gazillion hits.
By the way, I've also seen a reference to AA in 
posts. What's that?
And, lastly, are there any other useful but cryptic 
acronyms for the AmiBroker world in a glossary online somewhere? Otherwise, I'm 
sure all will unfold in good time.
Many Thanks
Peter K
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: <A title=amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 3:30 AM
  Subject: [amibroker] Re: Please send 
  unmarked bills, in a brown paper bag, to: ...
  Phsst,PT was my way to pay my debt so to speak to 
  the general community.  AB has been very good to me since I started 
  using it in that with the huge engine speed improvements over other 
  potential products it has allowed me to ferret out new and/or improve some 
  my existing systems that would have been next to impossible 
  elsewhere.  Regarding the support issues, I completely understand, 
  but in a free product this can take whatever the developer chooses to 
  "spend" on it.  I could have stopped pre GUI, I could stop here, but 
  like Tomasz, although to a much lesser degree, there are places I'd like 
  to take PT that it hasn't reached into yet really more for my own uses as 
  was the reason for its initial development then for any other reason, but 
  the result is all users benefit.Best 
  Regards,Fred--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Phsst" 
  <phsst@xxxx> wrote:> Fred,> > I know what 
  transpired, and it is as you said, except that I wasn't> trying to keep 
  anything a secret. When anyone chastises me and then> demands that I 
  explain myself, I react predictably.> > Now that the dust is 
  settled...> > I have my own VB application that processes 
  exported backtest .csv> files containing the detailed trades.> 
  > The application builds its own dynamic arrays representing the 
  trade> information in chronological order so that the metrics 
  measuring> portfolio trading systems can be calculated. > 
  > I developed this app for my own use. While I considered releasing 
  it> to the AB community, I decided against it because I don't want 
  to> expose myself to the potential support issues. I'd rather spend 
  my> time doing other things.> > You on the other hand 
  have been very generous in spending what appears> to me to have 
  been a huge amount of time and effort on PTxxxx and I> applaud you for 
  it.> > You and I are just motivated differently.> 
  > Regards,> > Phsst> > --- In 
  amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Fred" <fctonetti@xxxx> wrote:> > 
  Phsst,> > > > First of all I don't have the power to 
  banish you from anything.> > > > Second, you better go 
  back and reread the posts you are referring > > to.  While not 
  banishing you, I did chastise you for NOT publishing > > your 
  results and methodologies since what we were talking about was a > 
  > tool for calculating results from trading multiple securities > 
  > simultaneously not a system from timing or selection of those > 
  > securites.  Therefore, as then, again now, why the need for > 
  > secrecy ?  Although fairly sophisticated now, this is all PT does 
  > > i.e. provide a framework for users to have their own timing and 
  > > scoring algorithms along with the means, unfortunately of doing 
  the > > bean counting.> > > > --- In 
  amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Phsst" <phsst@xxxx> wrote:> > > 
  Steve,> > > > > > My question to you was 
  honest.> > > > > > You claim that you don't have an 
  answer for my questions, and yet > > you> > > 
  demand that I provide you with my own backtest results of 'YOUR'> > 
  > published system... <LOL> BTW... Fred banished me from 
  publishing my> > > own backtest results on this board since I 
  don't use his official> > > PTxxxx AFL to calculate my own 
  backtesting results. (I use my own> > > software which 
  approaches the issue of analyzing backtest results > > > 
  differently from Fred). Hey... It is not an issue worth exchanging> 
  > > words over. > > > > > > So my position 
  remains... don't demand that I disprove your > > approach. > 
  > > > > > And don't puff up your credentials... just tell 
  us what mathmetical> > > metrics you used to determine the 
  validity of your system. And if > > you> > > still 
  don't have an answer... then that is OK. Just let it drop. > > 
  Never> > > mind that you defended a flawed formula to begin 
  with.> > > > > > Phsst> > > > 
  > > > > > --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Steve Karnish" 
  <kernish@xxxx> > > wrote:> > > > Gee 
  Phsst,> > > > > > > > I don't have an answer 
  to your question:> > > > > > > > "how do you 
  think that this system performs relative to the > > 
  following:"> > > > > > > > If you think this 
  indicator can anchor a mechanical system,  I> > > suggest 
  that> > > > you backtest the general approach and report 
  back.  Every > > asterisk you> > > > listed is 
  important and of course, these intermediate calculations> > > 
  should> > > > lead to more meaning numbers (Sharpe Ratio, 
  Ulcer Index, > > Expectancy,> > > Value> > 
  > > at Risk, etc.).> > > > > > > > For 
  the past three quarters, I've been providing 150 institutions> > 
  > with buy> > > > and sell signals (80+ stocks).  I 
  would be laughed "off the > > street"> > > 
  without> > > > providing specific trading values that measure 
  up to industry> > > standards.  I> > > > 
  think I have a working knowledge of what's required to justify a> 
  > > mechanical> > > > approach.  My specific 
  approach to the markets and the formula > > that I> > 
  > > provided in the email are in no way related.> > > > 
  > > > > A couple months ago I found an old 3 1/2" floppy with 
  some > > formulas> > > that I> > > > 
  tweaked (years ago).  I slapped the SteErrOsc on DJM and than 
  the> > > DJU and> > > > was surprised that it 
  did such a good job of identifying > > overbought and> > 
  > > oversold territory.  The formula and these "ballpark" 
  triggers > > have been> > > > presented and 
  posted at a number of technical forums (over the > > last 
  few> > > > months).  People seemed to understand the 
  spirit of what I > > presented.> > > > > > 
  > > As my first posts stated:  it's un-optimized, 
  un-tweaked,> > > un-manipulated, no> > > > 
  filters, no stops, no trend identification, no nothing.  My most 
  > > adamant> > > > statement was: "it does a decent 
  job tracking the CBOT Dow > > contract."> > > > 
  > > > > The challenge for mean reversion, momentum traders is 
  to find a > > credible> > > > indicator (I've 
  offered many and many folks on this forum use > > them), and> 
  > > > then start "cornering the rat (price)".> > > > 
  > > > > *Only put positions on in the direction of the 
  trend> > > > *Drawdown stop> > > > *Profit 
  target stop> > > > *Time stop> > > > 
  *Mechanical oscillator exit> > > > *Money management> 
  > > > > > > > Building the mouse trap is the easy 
  part.  As Fred & Chuck (and> > > others) 
  have> > > > stated many times, issue selection is far more 
  important than the> > > approach> > > > you 
  use.  We all have lots of things that work on lots of > > 
  issues.  This> > > > out-of-sample...must work on a 
  random basket is total nonsense.  > > If> > > 
  one's> > > > goal is to damper returns, then design something 
  that trades all> > > issues with> > > > 
  profits.> > > > > > > > I've traded futures 
  for over 25 years, and have always had great> > > returns 
  in> > > > wheat, corn, oats, silver, gold, fuel and 
  indices.  I can't trade> > > bellies> > > 
  > (well, none of the meats), interest rates, currencies, the 
  softs,> > > and the> > > > rest of the sixty 
  or seventy futures (like canola meal).  Which of> > > 
  the above> > > > commodities do you think I risked money on 
  (for me and my best > > friends)?> > > > Would 
  the validity of my approch suffer if I couldn't prove that I> > 
  > can make> > > > a profit trading Orange Juice?> 
  > > > > > > > Enough said.  Well, one more 
  thing.  As forums evolve, > > occasionally they> > 
  > > enter into the "Mark Brown Syndrome" (simple, fresh ideas 
  get> > > shouted down> > > > by overbearing list 
  members).  Or, as of late, tons of finger> > > pointing 
  at> > > > people that are offering commercial solutions 
  (within the limits> > > imposed by> > > > 
  Tomasz).   It would be fun to see the forum return to the spirit 
  > > it> > > > supported for so many years.  In 
  the meantime:> > > > > > > > "The woodwork 
  squeaks and out come the freaks"...Was (Not Was).> > > > 
  > > > > Take care,> > > > > > > 
  > Steve> > > > > > > > ----- Original 
  Message -----> > > > From: "Phsst" <phsst@xxxx>> 
  > > > To: <amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> > > > 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 6:26 PM> > > > Subject: 
  [amibroker] Re: Please send unmarked bills, in a brown> > > 
  paper bag,> > > > to: ...> > > > > > 
  > > > > > > > Steve,> > > > 
  >> > > > > You started this thread off like it was a 
  chip on your shoulder.> > > > >> > > > 
  > Rather than 'taking my best shot at your system', I'd rather > 
  > ask a few> > > > > questions. For any randomly 
  generated basket of stocks, how do > > you> > > 
  > > think that this system performs relative to the following:> 
  > > > >> > > > > * Number of Trades (Long 
  versus Short)> > > > > * How quickly is available capital 
  'over traded'> > > > > * % of trades that are 
  profitable> > > > > * % of trades that are losers> 
  > > > > * Avg profit per winner> > > > > * Avg 
  loss per loser> > > > > * Avg days held for winning 
  trades> > > > > * Avg days held for losing trades> 
  > > > > * RAR on Long trades> > > > > * RAR on 
  Short trades> > > > > * Max % drawdown of account value for 
  both Longs and Shorts> > > > >> > > > > 
  What kind of metrics were available to you that made you think > 
  > this> > > > > system was worth publishing?> 
  > > > >> > > > > Regards,> > > 
  > >> > > > > Phsst> > > > 
  >> > > > >> > > > > --- In 
  amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "DIMITRIS TSOKAKIS" > > 
  <TSOKAKIS@xxxx>> > > > > wrote:> > > 
  > > > Steve,> > > > > > as you see, nobody 
  likes this wonderful system *as is*.> > > > > > I am 
  still surprised, nobody wants to buy at $10 and sell at > > $90 
  ???> > > > > > But, it is a net +800% !!!> > 
  > > > > Anyway, perhaps the best typo ever written.> > 
  > > > > Thanks for the surprise,> > > > > > 
  Dimitris Tsokakis> > > > > > --- In 
  amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "CedarCreekTrading" > > 
  <kernish@xxxx>> > > > > > wrote:> > > 
  > > > > Group,> > > > > > >> > 
  > > > > > I've stayed on the sidelines for the most recent 
  "shit-> > slinging".> > > > > > I thought I'd 
  post an elementary approach to the "Dow"...just > > so> 
  > > > > > people could find another member to attach.  
  Take your best > > shots at> > > > > > the 
  systems (I've been called all kinds of unflattening names > > 
  and I> > > > > > even like some of the "tags").> 
  > > > > > >> > > > > > > The system 
  hasn't been optimized, tweaked, or manipulated.  > > 
  All> > > > > > types of rules and filters could be 
  super-imposed (over, > > under or> > > > > > 
  around the basics...simple is always better).  As it stands, > 
  > it does> > > > > > a decent job tracking the CBOT 
  Dow contract.> > > > > > >> > > > 
  > > >> > > > > > >> > > > 
  > > >  Thanks to HB for providing the code translation:> 
  > > > > > > // Standard Error Oscillator (Steve 
  Karnish)> > > > > > >> > > > > 
  > > StdErrOsc = 
  (C+2*StdErr(C,8)-MA(C,3))/(4*StdErr(C,8))*100;> > > > > 
  > >> > > > > > > Plot(StdErrOsc, "StdErrOsc", 
  colorBlack, styleLine);> > > > > > >> > 
  > > > > > Plot(10,"",colorRed); Plot(90,"",colorRed);> 
  > > > > > >> > > > > > > Buy = 
  Cross (10, C);> > > > > > >> > > > 
  > > > Sell = Cross (C, 90);> > > > > > 
  >> > > > > > > Take care,> > > > 
  > > >> > > > > > > Steve> > > 
  > >> > > > >> > > > >> > 
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