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RE: [amibroker] programing in basic

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comments below:
<FONT face=Tahoma 
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: george massik 
[mailto:gmassik@xxxx]Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 8:53 
PMTo: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: Re: [amibroker] 
programing in basic
No offense taken-
OK--glad to. I was trying to keep it brief so that I would not be a pain in 
the______. But I guess I only made it worse--
1. I don't understand about "November"
2. I have been using stockcharts.com. I have been a chartist (successfully) 
and now what to upgrade and expand. I am looking for software to make my life 
easier and be profitable. So-I want to see charts in an automated fashion that 
saves me time. I want to be able to ask the program to show me charts of stocks 
or etf s that fit the parameters (chart) that I specify and I would like the 
learning curve to be as easy as possible in learning how to tell the program 
what I want it to show me.<SPAN 
I subscribe to 
the Extra section of stockcharts and a frank comment is that using AB to scan 
stocks will not be as fast as using stockcharts on their standard scans.  
Thus "making your life" easier may not be achieved if you mean "less effort" and 
faster.  The big difference will be that stock charts scans are very 
limiting and everyone is using the same drop down boxes and same set of 
parameters.  With Ab you can do the same thing plus you can insert 
combinations of conditions, special indicators you have made up yourself oruse 
the many that members of this list publish. 
In a word, you 
can do MORE with AB and this will be the key to your being 
Another issue is 
that you must secure a data source while your subscription to stock charts gives 
you their data as part of your subscription; No downloading data and storing it 
on your computer.
Your learning 
curve will be manageable if you do what others have said in other messages to 
Spend the time to 
read the User Guide, which you say you have printed out.  Esp the tutorial 
Start simple, 
even though your first tendency may be to jump in at a level that exceeds what 
you have been doing with stockcharts.
There are scores 
of already built code segments in the "Library" section of the AB site.  
You can simply copy and paste into the AA window and run and look at what you 
However, you will 
find that you want and need to be familiar with some of the "very basic" 
operations of the program.  You might copy/paste some complex, unique 
formula/system from the Library, but if you can not change the basic plot or 
alter some feature, then you will be frustrated.
As Anthony said, 
this list has hundreds of folks willing to help...all you need to do is askwith 
enough information so folks can give you an intelligent 
3. Time-- I spend about 4 hours a day trading now and about 3 hours 
charting--so I will have to gve some thing up to learn new stuff BUT I am 
willing.  I will spend at leasst 2-3 hours a day.<FONT color=#0000ff 
I assume trading 
is watching your positions, making in/out decisions, etc, while charting is 
plotting indicators and doing scans after hours??  This can be done all 
with AB.  If you work intraday, you will want/need to consider the Real 
Time version.  Mine uses eSignal and is running all 
4. If it accomplishes my goals-as much as it takes--
5. I tried the oldFasttrack and it worked OK but I became ill and whenI 
was better they went to windows and I found stockcharts and I never went back. 
However-Idid make money with it.<SPAN 
I use FastTrack 
and was one of the early convertees to the windows version (which was full of 
bugs originally but now is quite stable and useful). AB reads the FastTrack 
database so I use it for my mutual fund work, and TC2000 for my EOD work and 
eSignal for intraday work.  Lots of subscription costs, 
Any of your thoughts I appreciate.
I have downloaded the program and printed the manual and intend to start 
budgwting time next week. I will give it a good try but I am not a computer 
Try some of the 
examples in the tutorial. Try some simple systems from the Library.  And 
ASK QUESTIONS here if you get stuck.  With folks on this list from around 
the world, you will usually receive a reply pretty quick no matter when youpost 
your question.
Thanks to all for your time and interest.
On Mon, 30 Sep 2002 19:58:24 -0400 "Ken Close" <<A 
href="">closeks@xxxx> writes:
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr 
George:  Absolutely no offense but it almost seems like you will geta 
complete and helpful set of answers to your questions sometime 

class=960415323-30092002>1.       in 
.November.  I am not being flip but each answer seems directed at the 
brief questions you pose.
class=960415323-30092002>2.      What are your 
objectives, at least in terms of the kind or kinds of trading software you are 
looking for?
class=960415323-30092002>3.      How much timedo you 
wish to devote to its application?
class=960415323-30092002>4.      How much timedo you 
wish to devote to learning it - to a level which gives you confidence in using 
its results to trade your own real money?
class=960415323-30092002>5.      Do you have 
experience with other investment programs with which you can compare 
If you shared a 
little of these kinds of thoughts and asked where people thought Ab fit into 
those goals or objectives, then I will bet you could get more complete answers 
towards that which you really want to know about.
I would be glad 
to try and help provide some perspective, but only when I know in generalwhat 
to provide perspective about.
<FONT face=Tahoma 
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: george massik 
[mailto:gmassik@xxxx]Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 1:56 
PMTo: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: Re: [amibroker] 
programing in basic
Thank you BUT--am I going to far?Do I need any of these to use 
On Mon, 30 Sep 2002 11:28:34 -0400 "dingo" <<A 
href="">dingo@xxxx> writes:
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr 
<FONT color=#0000ff face=Arial 
size=2>Just plain Basic was written to run in a DOS like environment.In 
other words you can't write Windows type forms. It also has not been 
improved in quite a long time.
<FONT color=#0000ff face=Arial 
<FONT color=#0000ff face=Arial 
size=2>RealBasic (<A 
href="">http://www.realbasic.com/) is a flavor 
develped by Real Software is a multiplatform (Mac, Windows) flavor that 
originally had no ability to build windows style forms and was (back around 
1997) used primarily for writing very fast dll's. It had the ability to 
produce compiled code while Msft's Visual Basic at that time (Version 3) was 
very slow and used only interpreted code.  I just visited their site 
and discovered that they have added forms capability.  The fact that 
Its Mac and Windows capable is nice althought I don't have any experience 
with it to remark on its realiability, etc.
<FONT color=#0000ff face=Arial 
<FONT color=#0000ff face=Arial 
size=2>Visual Basic (<A 
href="">http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/) is 
the 800 lb gorilla of the Basics. Its Msft's flavor and has evolved over the 
years to be the hands down favorite of all the varieties of basic.  
With well over 1 million copies having been sold it is considered as the 
"standard". VB (as it is commonly referred to) comes in several different 
configurations and each is targeted at a particular type of developer.  
The lower cost versions are targeted at developers of stand-alone apps while 
the higher end products are targeted towards the corporate type developer 
that write client/server apps, web based apps, etc.  The current 
release VB.Net is a re-write of the language and represents a sea-change in 
the language.
<FONT color=#0000ff face=Arial 
<FONT color=#0000ff face=Arial 
size=2>The above basic (VB) is a stand alone product. Msft decided several 
years ago to make a version of basic that they used to provide programming 
capability to its Office products (Word, Excel, etc). This version is called 
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). VB (prior to the .Net version) and 
VBA are very, very similar and if you know one you should be able to 
navigate the other easily.
<FONT color=#0000ff face=Arial 
<FONT color=#0000ff face=Arial 
size=2>Does it make a difference?  Yes. It really depends on what you 
would to accomplish as to which one you might use. Having said that it 
is highly likely that VB or VBA would be the likely choice if you want to 
write apps that run only in the Windows environment.  If you'd 
like to discuss this further lets take it off this 

color=#0000ff> <SPAN 
class=493320715-30092002> -----Original 
Message-----From: george massik [mailto:gmassik@xxxx] 
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 7:29 PMTo: 
amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: [amibroker] programing in 
I searched amazon and found 
real basic and visual basic--how are thesedifferent fron just plain 
Basic and does it make a dirfferenceThank 
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