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RE: [amibroker] Suggestion for better backtesting/optimization

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Al, others:  
you would not believe how easy walkforward testing is with the new Rx - Report 
Extractor from Dale Wingo.  It was annouced several days ago how Dale is 
looking for additional beta testers (although I can say the program is a pretty 
darn stable version right now).  This is a tremendous time saver as you set 
up some codes within your AFL file, make all your settings, code arrangements, 
etc in the AA window.  You press BackTest - Report, change the date range 
(as in your example below), press Backtest again, then Report again.  Very 
easy to do quarterly or half-year (or more) rolling window 
Switchto Rx, 
follow some screen commands, and presto, there are all of your results fromthe 
two runs, in two (or more, if you did more than two tests) rows of Excel, with 
all documentation of settings, formula, etc. You can even put some 
"comment" code lines in the AFL code (and change it before each run) and 
these comments will be captured as a field and put into the spreadsheet 
also.  Very easy to compare all of the fields of data and draw your 
conclusions. You can do it probably faster than it has taken me to type this 
Interestingly, if 
you decide to vary a few more parameters, you make those new runs, andthen 
click a different box in Rx and it appends the last data right behind the data 
of the first runs.  I keep several master excel files, one for each system 
test I do, and the results of each test are appended right below the last run, 
but with all settings, etc, including the formula, so I know just what each 
result row refers to.  It even can let me type in some conclusionary notes 
in Column A, last empty row, and the next system test row is appended belowmy 
notes.  One of my master file has 35 rows of data, representing 35 
different tests done over several weeks. Of course, it also captures the date of 
the test.
Folks,if you 
have juggled html reports and tried copying certain fields from them to paste 
into a spreadsheet in order to keep track of different system tests, and gotten 
all mixed up about it, then I assure you the Rx program will literally amaze 
Dale may still 
need some more beta testers.

<FONT face=Tahoma 
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Avcinci 
[mailto:avcinci@xxxx]Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 2:01 
PMTo: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: Re: [amibroker] 
Suggestion for better backtesting/optimization
You can do walk-forward testing now with AB. Simply optimize from, 
say, 1997 to 2000, then using the optimum parameter values from that 
optimization, backtest on the same stocks from 2000 to present (out of sample 
data). You can vary the time periods to do your optimizations and backtests. Of 
course, this is 2 steps, but it's not that hard. TJ has said that, later this 
year, he will be incorporating in his graphics engine 3-D graphics that enable 
the user to view the robustness of an optimization in a manner similar to but 
better than the Excel add-in that Herman developed and uploaded earlier. You 
would choose parameter values from a flat area of the optimization graph where 
the parameter values and equity curve would not change much from one set to 
Al V.
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <A 
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 12:29 
Subject: [amibroker] Suggestion for 
better backtesting/optimization
My suggestion is for support for walk forward optimization. 
This is what we all actually do in real life. Since we can't look into the 
future, we test/optimize based on the past, then apply the results to 
the following days trading. We then look at the results and make 
additional changes.There are 2 simple variables: 1) The length of 
time we look back, and the length of time (or other conditions) we wait 
until we re-optimize.There's a 3rd, more complicated variable- 
how we choose the optimium parameters from the last optimization run.My 
suggestion is for a "score" formula that takes into account things like: 
maximum % drawdown, best compound rate of return, highest minimum of the 
running 1 year returns (or whatever period you like).I 
particularly like the last one - I always look at a graph of the 1 year 
returns (Equity() - Ref(Equity(), -253)). Ideally, it should be as flat as 
possible (or maybe rising). I've been treating this a little like analysis 
of variance - it should look like white noise with a given mean and 
standard deviation - any periods that don't bear 
investingation.Right now I use AmiBroker for experiments, but when I 
find an idea I like, I must write my own program to do walk-forward 
testing.Larry LewisPost AmiQuote-related 
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