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RE: [amibroker] To all AmiBroker users - Questions

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As a 
long time user of MS and new user of AB, here are some personal opinions that 
may help you in your choice.
<FONT face=Verdana color=#800000 
is a very good software to display and visually analyse stocks. For the moment, 
AB is a little bit behind MS regarding the quality of the interface. But AB 
chart engine will be totally rewritten in the near future and will probablyfill 
the gap.
<FONT face=Verdana color=#800000 
you want to write your own indicators and build your own trading systems, 
AB is like milk and honey while MS is a bitter stuff. With AB, you cando 
whatever you want. There is only 2 limitations: your imagination and your 
ability to develop. AB language is quite close to MS one (so that it is very 
easy to translate MS formulas to AB) with a lot of improvements. Furthermore, 
limitations in AB language can be overcome as you can include JScript or 
VBScript pieces of code inside your AB code. For instance, it will allow you to 
create complex calculations involving control loops.
skilled programers, it is possible to create dll in C++ language that can be 
called from AB (you can do the same with MS if you buy a developper kit andare 
clever enough to understand how to access to the data 
<FONT face=Verdana color=#800000 
<FONT face=Verdana color=#800000 
size=2>Among the infinity of things that you can do easily with AB and that will 
bring you endless headaches with MS, here are some:
<FONT face=Verdana color=#800000 
size=2>total control of your trades (entry/exit at stop prices, entry/exit on 
the same bar, totally programmable stops,...)
<FONT face=Verdana color=#800000 
size=2>backtest of a system on a whole database at the speed of light (with 
MS, you have to test securities one by one)
<FONT face=Verdana color=#800000 
size=2>creation of complex composite securities (with a few lines of 
code, you can build the historical curve of the number of oversold/overbought 
stocks in a specific market or see on how many open positions your trading 
system is invested,...)
and so many others !!!
terms of support, you just need to know that:
<FONT face=Verdana color=#800000 
size=2>there are more improvements in AB in one single week than in 5 
years of MS new releases
developers are in permanent contact with the users through this mailing list, 
providing a fantastic support and including in "real time" the users 
suggestions in the new releases
are supported by all AB users who exchange ideas, pieces of code, answer your 
questions, help you to debug your formulas,... if you have a problem, just 
mention it and in less than 2 hours, AB developpers or users will provideyou 
with the solution
so many others !!!
you can see, I am a fan of AB. It is the charting software I was dreaming for 
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size=2>-----Original Message-----From: mroman59 
[mailto:mroman59@xxxx]Sent: mardi 23 avril 2002 
00:52To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: [amibroker] 
To all AmiBroker users - QuestionsI have just found 
advertisement for AmiBroker and I am trying to figure out if the program 
will meet my needs. I must say for the price it appears impressive, but I 
would like some imput from users.It appears that it is free download for 
trial period, so I will do this and try to get a feel for what the program 
can do.1. Has anyone used MetaStock and if so can you give me your 
opinion on the similarities, pros and cons, capabilities etc. of the two 
programs? I am looking into purchasing MetaStock but it is a bit pricy 
and data download by 2nd party is costly.2. My main interest is to be 
able to screen stocks based on my onw price and volume criteria. For 
example, stocks with 3 consecutive increases in combination with double 
its  3 month avg volume for any given period of time or 13 dma > 
30 dma etc. No fundamental data will be required but is a plus. Can it do 
this?3. After stocks are screened according to my criteria, then have 
the ability to back test all screened stocks and rank them by greatest 
return. Can it do this.4. Can one trade through the program, 
granted that the brokerage firm allows for such a link between the program 
and their server?5. Is the download of data from Yahoo seamless and 
free from Yahoo? 6. Can one download historical data from yahoo for 
stocks so that backtesting can be performed?7. Does Amibroker 
generate automatic buy and sell signals with built in technical analysis 
indicators, like other programs do such as omnitrader? 8. has 
anyone tried to program Amibroker to use the formulas provided by thebook 
called Beating the Trend? You can find it by performing a website 
search.  If so, how easy was it to program according to this 
formula.9. What does Amibroker have in to do with the following 
advertisement: -rewritten database handling: abstract data access 
layer allowing direct access to QP2/TC2000/Metastock databases without the 
need to import (3.84+)-pre-written direct data feed DLLs from Quotes 
Plus (3.84+), TC2000, Metastock databases (3.87+) - a "summary-only" 
mode in the backtester providing 2-3 times faster backtesting of large 
databases (3.87+).- support for money management (position sizing) in 
backtester/optimizer (3.90)My question again, I thought that data 
feed was free from Yahoo?10. Is it true that the cost is only $79, 
after trial date is up? There appears to be upgrades in the works i.e. 
AmiBroker 4.0 versions. How much does it cost for upgrade 
versions?Thank You for and information you can provide. I greatly 
appreciate your imput and mention about other applications that you have 
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