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Re: [amibroker] Sharing #2

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Dear Nate, 

Thanks much for your warm and responsive letter. I appreciate very much
your approach to investing and your desires to share.

 I can only say that had; Galileo, Hypocrites, Newton,
Pasteur,  Bollinger, or Pring,  Elder, Larry Williams, or
George Lane as well as the institutions of learning mentioned, had NOT
been supported by their King, Pope, College, Taxes and or their sales of
their investment services to clients. published books and present private
clients as well as their currently available newsletters (from the living
only), I'd tend to say that they all had a pretty rough time of it. 
I would guess that all of the "un-croaked" experts mentioned
have pretty much given up their investments and are now reaping the
benefits of being the EXPERTS. However such is NOT the case with us. I
believe most of us are supported by our work endeavors, and we work on
our investment hobby in the spare time allotted to us by our wives,
famlies and others in our lives. 

I can say that helping others to buy the books we found valuable, and
converting their "systems" into our language is all great and
straight forward. Doing this is mentoring, being nice as well as helpful
to others who might be a bit earlier in their investing career is the
primary reason we are here at all. Answering questions is also included
with the aformentioned items, and I don't have a problem with that. I
don't have a problem with converting to AFL useful the indicators,
indicator and helps from other language systems, including but not
limited to MetaStock and Omega Trade Station. These have all been
published before in S&C magazine. The trick is getting a program to
put together the right elements to help each one of us develop system of
making a profit from an unstable batch of constantly churning tickers.
Each of us has to develop whatever works for us in a manner that is
comfortable and we can live with. We all want to be happy, love our wives
and not disturb the kids too much and improve our income. I tend to like
simple things, and the following URL along with the ones previously given
provide the outline for ANYONE to get exposed to this investing racket
quickly and completely. These are NOT meant to be HOW TO recommendations,
only providing direction and information from which anyone can make
choices. How good these choices might be depends upon the user and how he
puts together his investing technique. The last URL in this series is
where the book "If It Doesn't go up, DON'T BUY IT!" is worth
every penny of the $29.95 asked. This IS experience talking, and IS the
truth. It can be implemented without a computer and without a large
amount of funds.... and  what's even better IT WORKS.  Again, I
state that it is simple and easy to follow. You have the freedom of
implementing it in any way you desire. I chose to implement part of it,
along with parts and pieces developed through other exposure, and now
resides as an AFL in AmiBroker. It is GOOD, it makes MONEY, and you don't
need but a few grand to begin.

I guess I've about said it all -- at least for now. I believe that
helping others to put together THEIR investing technique is more MY
desire. I will give until it hurts, but the HUNTER needs to have an
investment in the PRIZE. Be it a mounted deer head, or a winning
investment technique, it should belong to the one who put it together,
otherwise its value is diminished. We all know that children really don't
appreciate what their parents provided  them -- until they have to

I am anxious to see this new list begin, and I WILL contribute --- but
not my entire method, not that it's that great -- it's just that it is
mine. Parts and pieces are fair game -- and if others can put something
together that works for them, then THEY own it, and can have some measure
of satisfaction of creating a method that works for them.

Best Regards, 


At 06:09 PM 5/4/01 -0400, you wrote:
Dear Hal,

I've read your letter a number of times before responding. It takes a
to wrap your mind around what you have posted. Your letter  is so
full of
wisdom, pain, and reality- the kind no "newbie" could possibly
know. You
must experience it in reality- it is not something you can download.
suppose one cannot learn what you have learned without paying the
the "tuition", for acquiring such knowledge.

Like you, exploring different investment vehicles, buying different
stocks, contracts,
and commodities, working out various investment strategies  has,
over the
years, cost me  untold sums in losses, in order to get to where I am
And I suppose the only reason I consider myself "successful"
(speaking now
only relative to financial matters), is because I have some money in
bank which makes me realize that overall, I have won more battles than
have lost.

In short, I understand "where you are coming from". But I have
a problem
with one especially important aspect of your thoughts:

I ask myself, "Where would I be now if others were not willing to
knowledge with me?" Without meaning to preach, where would many of
us be if
not for professors and teachers who willingly gave up what they had
acquired through failure, misfortune and diligence?

Would the world be better  off  if  Galileo, Hypocrites,
Newton, Pasteur,
and countless others had kept to themselves what they knew?"? Or
or Pring,  Elder, Larry Williams, or George Lane (Stochastic

I agree with those who think  no man enriches himself (or herself)
enriching others first. 

To your point: I run a stable of around 50 stocks. These are stocks
work reasonably well within the systems I have developed. But these are
same stocks that many others are watching, with their own systems,
different from mine. When enough of us feel the stock is going up, we
But the signals we get to do so are coming from a myriad of different

Perhaps it is naïve of me, but I do not think that having posted
little AFL (Elder's work) to this forum has cost me anything
Chances are that whomever of you out there who are trading the exact
system as "mine" are not trading the exact same stocks. 

Through the urgings and suggestions of contributors to this forum, I
visited websites and backtested systems I would never have encountered
it not for the willingness to share knowledge. I plan to visit those
in your own letter. And, in truth, a number of forum participants 
written me with suggestions of how I could modify my own little program
order to secure a better trading result.

Indeed, all of this would be entirely moot were it not for tomasz and
tireless willingness to expose all of us to what he knows, what he does.
can't even write my own name in AFL. What could I possibly do without
fantastic program he has written and shared so completely? And how
less would I be able to use his program, save for the willingness of
forum contributors to patiently bring me along and up to speed in an
where I am so totally inept?

Thus I offer to you my consolation over the pain and the price you
paid, and ask you wouldn't it have been better if you had had a mentor
could possibly have spared you what you went through to get to where
are now? 

There is absolutely NO need for you to feel compelled to do so, but if
choose to share, I think you will find the rewards will be out of
proportion than if you choose not to. I hope you will, because it 
obvious you have learned much and have much to contribute. But I
understand and completely support your decision if you do not.

With the very highest regard, and best wishes,


> For someone who has just entered this field of investing, there is
so much
>to learn, that to provide an automatic trip to the peak of someone
>financial career results in a great LACK of appreciation of what
>experienced person had to go through in order to make the profits
that one
>could with the help of this group. 
> My own experience has been costly. Most likely I'm a pretty stupid
>'cause I've done some awfully dumb things in my investing career
since the
>mid '70's. I've never had a mentor during this time and
>experienced the tragedy of defeat as well as the few strikes of
>that each small profit seemed to be.


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