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I hereby take note of the efforts of several articulate, learned and no
doubt ingenious members of this group to initiate a separate group for
the purpose of sharing and learning

I agree and would willingly contribute and assist in any way I could to
achieve this group action, primarily because Tomasz Janeczko is so
deserving of having a Real Winner in this area of Technical Analysis
Programs for Display, Selection and Test. 

Unfortunately I have a problem with its implementation, that is, the
years of learning that has brought me up to the point where - at last, I
am pretty well settled in a system that

I also know that nothing in this field lasts forever,
and the wider spread something GOOD is, the less likely the chances for
it to continue to operate and provide a profit. Therefore, in the self
interest of each of us, we should not expose ourselves to the likely hood
of our investment return being reduced because of the number of investors
using any given system. At the same time, this new list should NOT be
composed of the garbage that each of us has tried and lost our buns
on.  All that was part of our learning curve, and you would not be
where you are today, without having experienced the defeats that built
the step ladder to your present day success. 

What can we do as a group to insure that some yo-yo, as we have just
recently experienced, joins the group - strips it of "all the
goodies", then out of retribution takes them over to one of the news
groups, with literally 10's of thousands of members -- and releases them
to the public. I feel sure that the 10,000, (Hi Tomasz), owners of AB
would only use these works for their own gain -- but there ARE real
TURKEYS out there, and a fair assumption is that the AB list has its

For someone who has just entered this field of investing, there is so
much to learn, that to provide an automatic trip to the peak of someone
else's financial career results in a great LACK of appreciation of what
the experienced person had to go through in order to make the profits
that one could with the help of this group. 

My own experience has been costly. Most likely I'm a pretty stupid guy
'cause I've done some awfully dumb things in my investing career since
the mid '70's. I've never had a mentor during this time and therefore
experienced the tragedy of defeat as well as the few strikes of
lightening that each small profit seemed to be.

In other words, I have grown into the investing system that I have now.
That might change as I become even more knowledgeable...... and that is
the area that I feel this group ought to somehow work toward. That each
person who joins should have an area open to him, for him to experience,
learn and become knowledgeable in. 

I'm just "flapping my lips" now, so don't take this seriously.
However, when I see a question on the list regarding the establishment of
a database for the entire world of US stocks, this just
"shouts" of lack of knowledge. The desire to have access to
EVERY Index, every Mutual Fund, every Futures contract sprouts from the
lack of self assurance and investing maturity that is rampant -- where
ever those things take place. If each of us had a stable of just 50
entities that we understood, we simply would NOT have the GUT's nor the
funds to invest in each at same time. So, in fact, we're each looking for
an entity or two at any given time to invest in -- and yet we think that
we need data for 15,000 stocks, 4,000 funds and 300 futures contracts?
Something is wrong with this picture, and maybe this new group could
point out the reasons why all this data is extreme
Over Kill!

I really don't know what to suggest to qualify for
this group. Somehow I don't believe that a newbie ought to have access to
ALL the goodies in the vault. Maybe an application should be filed by
each joiner, that had to be filled out, and maybe interviewed over the
phone, regarding the applicant experience, goals  etc. From this
information, the appropriate section of the list vault would be opened to
him/her  through a password system of sorts.

I do believe that before you get REAL goodies opened to all eyes, there
must be qualification, restriction and contribution. I have no idea how a
dis-honest qualification would be foretold on an application. However it
shouldn't be too difficult to devise a few questions to reveal present

I know all of the above is virtually impossible to accomplish -- and
would be real WORK to set up and make work. I also know that any
successful trader will "talk" about his accomplishments but
will NEVER reveal them. If this is so then nothing will ever be revealed
to this -- or any other group, that provides a place for discussing
original thinking on any investing problem. 

My personal belief is that a successful investing program can be composed
of bits and pieces that have been acquired over a length of time  --
then pieced together to make a profitable investing method. Each piece of
the system gets upgraded as new information and experience is obtained
over a period of years. This personal system is under constant update and
changes slowly with maturity gained from "loosing your buns" in
numerous investments of all kinds. I also am a firm non-believer in
testing every component that comprises a system as well as system tests,
for what you learn is how much money your are going to loose during the
drawdown perios. The only successful systems -- in my world of knowledge,
are useable on Commodity Futures Grains, Bonds and other Financials, for
a system to work it MUST be somewhat repetitive, and you MUST be prepared
to take thousands of dollars of losses to get the gain the system
supposedly provides. A few of the best and most successful systems can be
found at
>which should lead you to <http:mesasystems.com> Pay the
$500 to $3,000 and save yourself a world of time and losses and the
attendant grief;. If you should write Dr. John Ehler, the originator of
these systems, say hello from me! There is a publication in which systems
are continuously rated throughout the year.   --dig in and do
some searching for yourself. Use
and enter Commodity Futures Trading system -- see what you get!!

A GREAT LIST for Commodities is at yahoo "Traders Group" a
month is free, a year cost $50, but you are walking with trading
"gods" and at least one Stock Guru. Prepare to be humbled.

If you want to "Test" everything, take a peek at a program
called Dysan  at
It won't be cheap, but it's great!! If you write the originator
Joachim.Wolffram@xxxx (Dr. Joachim Wolffram) say "hello"
for me. 

If you want to invest in Funds, stick with the NO LOAD funds representing
indexes -- then play the index game. For Stocks, you are in for a
"world of hurt" before you will be successful, or maybe you
have inside information and are just plain LUCKY!!. 

As for me I'm a proponent of the "Buy Only when it's going UP, and
use Stops!" theory. I've found it works -- and that's my goal. 

I would appreciate all the input that all good intelligent well meaning
folks can provide. Possibly, with your knowledge we could come up with a
plan to prevent our AFL vault from being "reaped", opps, I
spelled that wrong - by free loaders and ne'er-do-wells. It also is quite
possible that I'm neurotic -- but HEY, it's MY neurosiss'!

Thanks for your time,

Best Regards, 

Hal Brehe