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Re: [RT] Fw: Please read the entire article

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On Sun, 03 Aug 2008 14:02:32 -0400
  Ben <profitok@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2008 9:32 AM
> Subject: Please read the entire article
> How Did We Get Into This Financial Mess?
> by Jason Leavitt
> LeavittBrothers.com
> The financial "crisis" that exists in the US and world 
>is one that hasn't been experienced
> since the 1929 stock market crash and subsequent Great 
>Depression. Pointing fingers
> after the fact is somewhat cowardly, but unless we know 
>why and how we got into this
> situation, how can we expect to get out of it and avoid 
>another one in the future? Here's
> my take on who played a role in the financial situation 
>we're in and who deserves most
> of the blame
>Federal Government. Banks lend money to home buyers. If 
>the banks planned on
> keeping those mortgages, they'd be very careful who to 
>lend to and how much to lend.
> They'd really do their due diligence to make sure there 
>were very high odds the
> borrower would pay the loan back. But if the bank wasn't 
>planning on keeping the loan,
> no doubt their standards would drop.
> Enter the Federal Government sponsored/supported Fannie 
>Mae and Freddie Mac
> (both created by the government) which buy mortgages 
>from banks, so the banks can
> turn around and make more loans. This implied safety net 
>created by the government
> with these two GSE's (government sponsored enterprise) 
>has had a very negative ripple
> effect. Namely, banks are motivated to take more risks 
>and have significantly lowered
> their standards knowing they could always dump the 
> The government also encouraged policies that exacerbated 
>the situation. In short, their
> extreme desire to increase home ownership - especially 
>to lower income folks who
> couldn't afford a home - completely backfired. But are 
>you surprised? Does any
> government program work? There are 300-400 government 
>programs designed to
> make housing more affordable. If a couple can't afford 
>to buy a house, why help them
> buy a house?
> And I could go on and on about how the government has 
>branded home ownership as
> the American Dream, but nothing could be further from 
>the truth. Owning a home is not
> an investment, it's a cost, and that cost is high. If 
>you rented for 30 years and put the
> money you saved (lower monthly payments, no property 
>taxes etc) into the stock
> market, you'd make a heck of a lot more money than if 
>you put your savings into a
> house and held if for 30 years. But for years, people 
>have been brainwashed into
> thinking they must own a home because renting is 
>classless - or something new college
> grads do.
> President Bush and HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson First 
>a quick comment --- in
> the government and military there is a chain of command. 
>You do what you're told by
> those you report to. If George Bush says: "I want 5 
>million new homeowners," Jackson
> either works towards the goal or he resigns his 
>position. There is no middle ground. So
> while I could leave the former HUD secretary out of this 
>because ultimately Bush should
> take the blame, Jackson did have the choice to say: "No 
>way, that's not possible without
> creating a mess. I'm outta here."
> Bush was way too eager. He was so excited for everyone 
>to live the American Dream of
> owning a home. It was Jackson's job to work towards this 
>goal, and Jackson was one of
> the people who encouraged little- or no-money down loans 
>and interest-only loans. The
> ripple effect this had is unknown, but when the 
>Secretary of Housing and Urban
> Development encourages totally irresponsible financial 
>agreements, someone needs to
> at least step up and say: "that was a mistake."
> Stupid, Gullible Americans. Regardless of what happens 
>in Washington, Americans
> still have the choice to buy or not buy, so ultimately I 
>could blame them. They are, after
> all, making the final decision, and they could have 
>easily walked away from the table.
> But they didn't. They bought houses they couldn't afford 
>with money they didn't have by
> not putting money down, using interest only loans, 
>and/or using variable rate loans they
> knew would reset higher than they could afford. If you 
>wanna throw a couple grand into
> a stock because you think it's going to move up, fine; 
>the damage will be minimal if
> you're wrong. But why in the world would you potentially 
>cripple the rest of your financial
> life by buying a house you had no business buying?
> Banks. The ultimate blame could also be place here too. 
>They are, after all, the ones
> lending the money. They do have the ability to say: "No, 
>you can't afford that house. We
> are not lending you the money."
> Call them greedy. They only make money when they make 
>loans and since money was
> artificially made cheap, they couldn't control 
>themselves. They drastically lowered their
> standards and loaned money to parties they should have 
>know could not pay the loan
> back. Shame on them.
> Standard & Poor's and Moody's etc. So banks loan money 
>and take those
> mortgages/loan docs etc. and package them together to be 
>sold as CDO's
> (collateralized debt obligations). Fannie Mae, Freddie 
>Mac, Bear Sterns, foreign banks
> etc. buy CDO's without scrutinizing the individual 
>contents because they trust the likes
> of Standard & Poor's to do their due diligence to 
>accurately rate the credit worthiness of
> the package.
> If Bear Sterns buys billions of dollars of subprime 
>mortgages from a bank, then only
> they should be blamed for buying the junk - the buck 
>stops at their desk. But if this is
> the case, why does the entire planet pay such close 
>attention to the ratings?
> If Standard & Poor's inaccurately rates the CDO's, and 
>banks end up buying chickens
> they thought were eagles, who is to blame? Nobody will 
>argue S&P had extremely high
> ratings on loans that were total junk. Should S&P take 
>some of the blame? Have they
> admitted their calculations where wrong? Moody's 
>recently said a computer glitch may
> have resulted in inaccurate ratings. Is this little 
>admission enough? Were these rating
> agencies and the banks working together?
> In my eyes, the rating agencies need to either admit 
>they screwed up, or forever, they
> have zero credibility whatsoever.
> Mortgage Lenders. These are the guys most home buyers 
>work with. I know banks
> ultimately lend the money, but most buyers don't work 
>directly with a bank; they work
> with a middleman which may be a big company like Lending 
>Tree or Quicken Loans
> (you see their banner adds all over the internet) or a 
>small ma and pop type shop. There
> are some very good lenders out there that won't let 
>buyers get in over their heads (I've
> bought two properties in the last two years, and each 
>time it was a simple 30-year fixed
> with no bells and whistles or special conditions), but 
>there are many that will do anything
> to get your business because they only get paid when 
>they hook up a buyer with a
> bank. They're the ones that told people they could 
>afford 'that' house if they used an
> interest only loan; they're the ones that encouraged 
>buyers that putting no money down
> wasn't such a bad idea; they're the ones that exposed 
>people to such mortgages as
> Payment Option Adjustable Rate Mortgage which allows 
>borrowers to pay a small
> portion of the interest due each month (but then the 
>remaining principle and interest
> balance due is added to what they owe).
> If these middlemen collectively were more upfront and 
>honest with buyers rather than
> selling them up a river just to get their business, the 
>housing market may not have
> gotten out of control.
> Alan Greenspan is the man most would like to blame, and 
>while I certainly agree he
> played a role, it's my belief he only added fuel to the 
>fire after the fire was already lit.
> The economy's expansion and contraction hinge most on 
>one thing, and that thing is
> liquidity. The more money there is, the more growth that 
>happens. Unfortunately the
> opposite is also true. Give me a city full of brilliant 
>entrepreneurs, and without money,
> they won't create much.
> Greenspan artificially lowered overnight rates to 
>encourage banks to loan beyond their
> reserve requirements. Essentially, he flooded the market 
>with money which you may
> think is good, but at some point, if there is too much 
>money, that money is wasted or
> used inappropriately.
> It's pretty simple. When money is tight, it's naturally 
>funneled towards safe investments
> just like tight money in your household results in 
>spending only on the bare necessities.
> As more money becomes available, riskier bets can be 
>made, and when there's "too
> much" money, bets that should never be made no matter 
>what the circumstances, are
> places.
> This is what Greenspan did. He made too much money 
>available, so businesses that
> should not have gotten loans, got loans, and people who 
>had no business buying a
> house, bought a house, and people who should have bought 
>$300K house bought
> $400K houses.
> Too much money results in totally irresponsible usage of 
>that money.
> A tightening of rates - or if he at least held them 
>steady - may have partially choked off
> the aggressive lending.
> But Greenspan is not #1 on my list because I do not 
>believe people have to sip from the
> bunch bowl even though it's full. Anyone who's gotten 
>into financial trouble could have
> chosen to walk away from the table. Several years ago my 
>girlfriend (now my wife) was
> in the market to buy a condo. She was approved for much 
>more than she knew she
> could afford. Did she buy up to the limit her lender 
>approved her for or did she buy what
> she knew she could afford? You can guess the answer; she 
>wasn't about to get herself
> in trouble.
> To say that Greenspan is most responsible for this mess 
>is to desire the Fed play a
> greater role in tinkering with the money supply. This is 
>a discussion in and of itself and
> not one I wish to go into here. There are some 
>well-known economists (John Maynard
> Keynes comes to mind) who absolutely believe the 
>government should stimulate and
> suppress the economy to dampen the economic 
>fluctuations. But let's not get into a
> political discussion.
> There are many people involved in buying a house. A 
>buyer works with a mortgage
> lender to secure a loan from a bank which then packages 
>that loan to sell to GSE's such
> as Freddie Mac or other banks such as Bear Sterns. The 
>system was greased with
> artificially low rates, easy money, and extremely 
>irresponsible activity from the rating
> agencies. If any of the parties involved would have put 
>their foot down, and said: "No, I
> cannot in good conscious do this," I would not be 
>writing this report.
> But the roots of the problem cannot be traced back to 
>any of these parties.
> Bill Clinton. All these people and institutions played a 
>role getting us to the current
> housing situation, but ultimately, I blame Bill Clinton. 
>This probably comes as a shock to
> most of you because his name is hardly ever mentioned, 
>but in my opinion, if you start
> with today and work backwards, seeds of the housing mess 
>were started in 1999 when
> Bill Clinton replaced a 66-year old law that restricted 
>the capabilities of financial
> institutions with one that vertically aligned the 
>industry and set it on a path to
> destruction. Let's go back in time.
> It was believed improper and super aggressive banking 
>activity played a big roll in the
> 1929 stock market crash and subsequent Great Depression. 
>At that time, commercial
> banks took depositors' money and made risky investments 
>in the stock market. Call it
> greed, but times were so great in the 1920's, the desire 
>to be involved and the feeling
> the good times would never end, caused many banks to 
>over-speculate with money that
> wasn't theirs. They were literally taking depositor's 
>money and using it to finance risky
> investments. Even worse, unsound loans were made to 
>companies in which the banks
> invested in, and they encouraged their clients to also 
>invest. Can you say: Major conflict
> of interest?
> Remember back in 2002 when Citigroup came under fire for 
>their over involvement with
> WorldCom. Citigroup was not only acting as an investment 
>bank which made money
> when WorldCom "made deals," they were also upgrading the 
>stock, so those deals were
> easier to execute. It was a Ponzi scheme that had no 
>system of checks & balances, and
> it eventually imploded. This is exactly what was 
>happening in the 1920's that partially
> led to the collapse of the stock market and many years 
>of struggles. Along comes the
> Glass-Steagall Act in 1933 which separated commercial 
>banking from investment
> banking - essentially a bank could not also be a 
>brokerage firm and vice versa.
> Sectioning off the financial industry incidentally set 
>up a system of checks and balances
> and eliminated many conflicts of interest. Also, banks 
>were insulated somewhat from
> the stock market.
> Since then, there have been periods where housing prices 
>appreciated faster than
> historical norms or flattened out for a couple years, 
>but overall, it was smooth and
> steady sailing with no major, national interruptions. 
>And although we've had several
> recessions (recessions are no big deal; they surface 
>every handful or years and we
> always emerge from them stronger than when we entered) 
>we didn't have anything
> even remotely close to the financial crisis that 
>followed the 1929 stock market crash.
> Why? Because of the explicit system of checks & balances 
>that existed due to
> companies not being permitted to have their hand in more 
>than one part of the process.
> That's what the Banking Act did. It said: "You can't be 
>everything in the process; you
> can't be vertical integrated."
> But this all changed on November 12, 1999. With the CEO 
>of Citigroup looking over his
> shoulder, Bill Clinton signed into law the 
>Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act which repealed the
> Glass-Steagall Act of 1933.
> The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act permitted commercial and 
>investment banks to
> consolidate, and almost overnight behemoth financial 
>service companies that supplied
> everything to everybody were born. Smith-Barney, Salomon 
>Brothers, PaineWebber
> and many other well-known and respected investment banks 
>were gobbled up by
> Citibank, JP Morgan etc, and while the lay public didn't 
>have a clue what was going on,
> conflict of interests were rampant. Suddenly the banking 
>arm of one of these financial
> service companies was pressuring the investment arm to 
>raise its ratings on stocks to
> help lubricate the deal-making process.
> (As a quick side note, Citigroup played a major role 
>lobbying for an end to Glass-
> Steagall. Starting in 1998, the finance, insurance and 
>real estate industries together
> spent more than $200 million to get Glass-Steagall 
>repealed, and not so coincidentally,
> only a couple days after Clinton signed 
>Gramm-Leach-Bliley into law, recently-departed
> Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin was hired by Citigroup 
>as a member of its 3-person
> office of the chairman.)
> If you start with today and work backwards with 
>intentions of figuring out when "all this
> mess started," you'll find many parties that played a 
>role in adding fuel to a fire which
> was spinning out of control, but your journey won't end 
>until November 12, 1999 when
> Bill Clinton tore down the walls within the financial 
> I'm not going to go as far to say if Bill Clinton had 
>not repealed Glass-Steagall, we
> wouldn't be in the financial situation we're in, but I 
>can certainly say it would have been
> much more mild and probably isolated. When second and 
>third parties are involved in a
> transaction, more due diligence is done, more scrutiny 
>is applied, and less risk is taken.
> Bill Clinton started this financial mess.
> In Summary Bill Clinton laid the foundation. Alan 
>Greenspan greased the wheels.
> Then, extremely unscrupulous mortgage lenders and banks 
>took full advantage of
> gullible, unsophisticated borrowers.
> By replacing Glass-Steagall with Gramm-Leach-Bliley, 
>banks and investment brokers
> were permitted to consolidate, and the natural system of 
>checks & balances was
> destroyed. Not to mention the conflicts of interest that 
>were born. Yes, Greenspan aided
> the situation by lowering rates and keeping them low, 
>and S&P encouraged risky loans
> by giving them AAA ratings, and many idiot Americans who 
>thought prices would keep
> appreciating need to check themselves into gamblers 
>anonymous, but if I had to go
> back to the beginning, to where this mess started, it 
>would be with Bill Clinton's
> signature on November 12, 1999.
> You opinion is welcome and appreciated.


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