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[RT] Re: The understanding

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Religion is always the justification and I suppose the perpetrators 
have brainwashed themselves into steadfastly believing in their 
cause.  But the real reason is always power and land.  Do the IRA 
attacks really have anything to do with Catholicism?  Its just a 
power struggle.

--- In realtraders@xxxx, "Me" <ibe98765@xxxx> wrote:
> This just goes to show that we (along with other countries) also 
> our own fanatics.  One has to wonder that if there truly is a God 
> entity, why does he/she/it allow atrocities like this (and so many 
> others throughout history)?  Why does he allow killing in his 
> In Christianity, isn't it supposedly because Eve ate that apple?  
> what's the story in other religions?
> It's been said that one of the goals of these terrorists and this 
> atrocity was hope that it would help their particular brand of 
> religion extend its reach in the world, by killing infidels.  Many 
> non-Muslims are or are becoming fearful of the Moslem religion, 
> seeing it as controlled by fanatics of one sort or another, just as 
> many were fearful of Christianity (and rightly so) in the Middle 
> Ages.  The Middle Ages are long gone, but sadly, we still have the 
> likes of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson trying to point fingers, 
> fire up people and spread their own brand of extremism.  
> What scares me most about religion is the religious establishment 
> their supporters who attack others over differences in beliefs.  
> Throughout history, much strife and conflict has been caused by 
> religious differences.  Religion has surely been the root of more 
> killing and torture that any other single cause.  A while ago, I 
> watching the CBS 60 Minutes segment on Pakistan when one of the 
> Islamic interviewees flatly stated that "God had commanded them to 
> build nuclear weapons"!  Say what?  How exactly did their God 
> communicate this message to them?  Were there some stone tablets 
> involved?  Some potent hashish?  Was there a dream?  Or did God 
> send an email?  Whew...
> Strangely, most religions preach peace and good will to others.  So 
> how does this basic message get corrupted?  And why do so many 
> succumb to negative messages from religious extremists instead of 
> rejecting them outright?  What are they groping for?  I believe the 
> that they are searching for protection from fear - fear of people 
> different than themselves, fear of beliefs different from their 
> fear of skin colors, habits and mannerisms different than their 
> I'm confident that religious beliefs were the basis for what might 
> called "the first gang", a means for a group of people to find like-
> minded individuals and hopefully bond safely together.  
> But can religion provide any real protection from the evils around 
> in these modern times?  Given the abject failure throughout history 
> of the world's religions to prevent strife, torture and killing in 
> the name of their favorite God, perhaps the future would be better 
> served without religion.  Either that or else maybe we can all 
> on one religion to adopt and practice.
> Since either of these occurrences are unlikely anytime soon, 
> religious based taunting, warfare, killing and justification in the 
> name of some God will continue going forward (try giving a listen 
> Bob Dylan's poignant "With God On Our Side").  Politicians will 
> continue to play the religion card.  Many people will continue to 
> search out a supposed safe haven by being part of their particular  
> religious group, hoping for protection from the world and those 
> around them.  And we will never truly be one society, one world, 
> despite the current pap about a global society.
> ___
> JW
> --- In realtraders@xxxx, Ira Tunik <irat@xxxx> wrote:
> > Television evangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat
> > Robertson, two of the most prominent voices
> > of the religious right, said liberal civil
> > liberties groups, feminists, homosexuals and
> > abortion rights supporters bear partial
> > responsibility for Tuesday's terrorist attacks
> > because their actions have turned God's anger
> > against America.
> >           
> <snipped>

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