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Re: [RT] Markets: Stock Index Futures and regulation

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In a message dated 9/8/01 8:55:37 AM Central Daylight Time, 
JLevine710@xxxxxxx writes:

<< Can you provide information about your letter? >>

Well, since you asked, here is the long version.  I started writing a private 
Industry Newsletter e-mail over a year ago.  The reasons for doing so were 
many.  I initially offered it to clients, prospects, and those other people 
who I had direct contact with from the various trading discussions groups I 
participate on.  At first I had about 100 people receiving it.  Today there 
are about 500 people on the list, though many more have it forwarded to them 
by others.

My intent was to create some type of daily newsletter to stay in front of 
people, for personal and professional reasons.  I wanted to give them 
something of value for free with the hope that it create interest in the 
industry and would return Good Will to me.  If I send you a newsletter and 
you read something of value, it creates Good Will for me.  If I send you a 
newsletter and you find something that someone else would find useful, and 
you forward it to them, you have created Good Will for yourself and for me.  
If I create enough Good Will, perhaps some of that will turn into business 
opportunities.  And it has.

Part of the idea is based on the concept of "Viral Marketing."  I send it to 
you and you send it to others who send it to others and so on.  I know that 
this aspect of the newsletter works because the readership of the newsletter 
keeps growing and I know some people in firms who resend it out to lots of 
people in their organizations. 

Part of the reason for this private approach has to do with not constantly 
bombarding the various trading lists with my opinions where it would create a 
backlash by readers or competing brokers.  I want to follow the protocol and 
ethic of each of the groups.  I do not deny there is a commercial aspect to 
my participation on various trading lists.  However, the main reason I 
participate is to learn.  And I have learned much from RT and the other 
lists.  I don't want to negatively impact my ability to learn by having the 
commercial aspect of my participation called into question.

One reason I felt the need to start the newsletter has to do with the current 
CEO and President of the CME.  Jim McNulty had been a mentor of sorts early 
in my career, but I had lost touch with him as I was engrossed in my career.  
When he was named to the CME post I was dumfounded by my losing touch with 
him.  Thus, I wanted to create something that would allow me to stay in touch 
with my friends, associates, acquaintances, clients, prospects, competitors, 
media and the like.

Many people on RT and other trading forums have expressed their appreciation 
for my posts on industry trends and the mechanics and technology of trading.  
That encouraged me to try something like this.

With so much change occurring, as we migrate to electronic trading in the 
U.S. from open outcry, I wanted to help people stay current with that change 
and help them manage it.  The best way to do that is to provide them with 
current information and try my best to help them make sense of it.  Since I 
was already trying my hardest to stay current and doing much of the work of 
the letter for myself, it was not much more to share that with others, but in 
a defined and private format.

Thus, my letter is structured into several sections: lead stories, exchange 
news, regulatory news, reports, miscellaneous news and John's comments.  I 
have built a web page that takes me to set news pages at the various 
exchange, regulatory and brokerage web sites.  I have a set of key word and 
concept searches I do, looking for news stories about the exchanges, 
regulators, players and key ideas in the industry.  I finish off the letter 
with my own comments, which sometimes are very pointed.

One of my competitors said he was not sure which his favorite part of the 
letter was, when I take someone or something to task in my commentaries, or 
my apology the next day for doing so.  You can be sure that I hear from some 
of the targets of my commentaries.

I also will occasionally do some original reporting about electronic trading 
issues or other things that pop up.  I recently had a scoop, reporting on 
Trading Technologies cutting staff for the second time in recent months an 
hour before the official press release from TT had been issued.  The CEO 
called me on that one and even invited me to dinner. 

I offer the newsletter to anyone who wants to receive it.  There are many 
competitors who are on the list.  There are senior executives at brokerage 
firms of all sizes who receive it and the letter has been described as the 
perfect summary of topics for a senior industry executive.  Other types of 
recipients include exchange staff, exchange members, CTAs, CPOs, stock 
brokers, regulators, media, vendors of all sorts, coworkers, clients, 
prospects, friends, and other assorted people.  Just in recent weeks I signed 
up one of the largest traders on Eurex and a/c/e, the President and CEO of 
one of the New York Exchanges, a Senior VP of a Chicago Exchange, several 
regulators, many individual traders, and various others.

Many people have offered to pay for the letter, or asked me when I will start 
charging for it.  That would defeat part of its intent.  Recipients of the 
newsletter are free to forward it to as many of their friends and associates 
as they want and encourage them to subscribe.  I do not want to deter that in 
any way, as long as is done appropriately.

However, a competing firm has approached me about licensing my letter for 
their use and I will be paid for that.  So I will be receiving direct 
compensation for it, along with the Good Will and the business opportunities 
that it generates.

I am a very strong believer in only doing business that is a good fit.  This 
newsletter, and my participation on various trading forums, allows readers to 
get to know me.  If they have a need for a brokerage relationship, or a 
managed futures product, and believe I may be a good fit for them they 
approach me.  That is a good start for a successful long term relationship, 
which is the kind I want.

There are many brokers in the industry who are suffering right now because of 
a decline in trading by their customers.  Mine business on the otherhand is 
right up against historical highs for revenues.  I run an online trading 
operation.  I have regular telephone based clients also.  My firm has a 
marketing relationship with one of the hottest CTAs in the business right 
now, Defender Capital Management.  And that is a relationship I brought to 
the firm.  We have helped Defender raise money with lots of different 
brokerages all around the industry (Refco, Lind Waldock, Fox Investments, 
PFG, PMB, Man Financial, and The Price Group).  Thus, I have diversified my 
revenue base during these turbulent and changing times.

I don't know which way the markets or industry are going to go.  I have some 
ideas.  But I am trying to hedge by bets by offering diverse services, 
products and relationships.  I want to have a career in this industry for 
many years to come.  There may come a time when the music stops and I don't 
have a chair.  But I will be able to stand on my own two feet and continue to 
dance if I can differentiate myself, build relationships around the industry, 
and continue to find and offer good value to clients.  I am trying my hardest 
to do that.

My newsletter works on several levels then, and I like that.  To sign up for 
my letter, someone need only visit the web site I built for The Price Group's 
Electronic Trading Division, <A HREF="http://www.pricegroupetd.com";>
www.pricegroupetd.com</A>, and click on the link on the top.  That will 
create an email with a subject line to subscribe.  Feel free to subscribe and 
recommend the newsletter to your friends and associates.

Thank you for asking about it, and I hope you all appreciate the openness and 
completeness of my reply.


John J. Lothian 

Disclosure: Futures trading involves financial risk, lots of it!  John J. 
Lothian is the President of the Electronic Trading Division of The Price 
Futures Group, Inc., an Introducing Broker.

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