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Really sorry to see you go Gwenn,..you are one of the few
who openly shared thoughts on RT forum,...never had to
wonder what it was that you were thinking (Ha).
Although I have given consideration to taking departure myself,
I have decided to stay on RT forum with hope / expectation that
the RT forum can evolve into a more open sharing of work.
Recently discouraging on RT forum,......my "forward looking" posts
on cycles and sentiment go pretty much unanswered,...and clearly
there is not much of a contingent interested in short term trading of
mutual funds or strategies such as pursuit of overseas follow through,
(which are my entire approach),...yet I still post thoughts and ideas with
hope that things will change going forward.
So you know,..there are two excellent discussion boards where there
is no backstabbing or bickering,...heavy technical focus,..open sharing
of un-hedged ideas,.....and you may find these to be of interest...
<A HREF="http://mutualfundvision.com/wwwboard/wwwboard.shtml";>FUND VISION
Each site has timely discussion from technical perspecitve,...
good balance between those interested in trading futures vs.
those interested in trading mutual funds,..or individual equities.
I post at each of these boards as "Jim P".
Well,...good luck Gwenn in all your efforts going forward.
Regards, JIM Pilliod jpillefe@xxxxxxx