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[RT] Mkt: Market crash - Apologies

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<x-html><html><head></head><BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><p><font size=2 color="#000000" face="Arial">I am sincerely sorry to all of you who read the posts for the forecast or predictions made in regards with a market crash. &nbsp;While there was a lots of efforts and studies made in that particular analysis, it now seems that it was a waste of time.<br><br>Still, I strongly believe that W.D. Gann's work in particular is very helpfull in pinpointing turning points in the markets. But it was used in a whole different way &nbsp;in the above mentioned reference. <br><br>I shall focus back on the regular way of trading in this interesting time ahead.<br><br>Sorry, again.<br><br>Sincerely,<br><br><br>Jean Comeau</p>
</font></body></html></x-html>From ???@??? Mon Jan 10 16:24:23 2000
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From: Michael Mangiafico <Mmangiafico@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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Subject: [RT] RE: Re: Gann the method
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At the risk of getting attacked for this statement, I will do it anyway.


the main reason people are not interested in putting in hard work is becuase
they don't have to.
I put in a great deal of hours in my work, and I had a respectable return
last year.  My father-in-law put in no work, he just loaded up on technology
stocks that he read on the front page of the WSJ.  Every dip, buy more,
simple and exceptionally profitable.  He was up over 100% last year, which
bested me by a good amount.  Some day this won't work, and at that point
people will understand this really is a complicated business.  Right now,
people want 10% returns in 3 days, and they are getting just that, with no
research, just go long on the dip.  I don't believe in this, and I try to
explain the risk involved, but then again, the CAPM is old and new rules

-----Original Message-----
From: nwinski [mailto:nwinski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 6:44 PM
To: realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [RT] Re: Gann the method

Brent wrote:

> Norman is probably our most knowledgeable person on the subject of Gann.
> While Gann was definitely into Astrology I don't think that he discounted
> everything else to the extent that Norm does. He sure doesn't make
> his starting point in his books. Ok, so it is hidden in there, if he were
> honest I would think that he would at least say as much.

NW: Thanks for the compliment.

        Of course Gann doesn't make Astrology his starting point! Gann was a
very smart guy. Any mention of Astrology gets you labeled a kook and greatly
limits the market for any courses of books you may want to market. Gann
get $5,000 for his course because people thought they were taking an
course. They paid five grand to get on the path to riches. Gann would teach
market methods that certaionly would help them, but along the way, he
out the less enlightened students
who weren't willing to do the necessary research and study. He shared the
"hidden treasure" with only
those few who could past his rigorous requirements.

        Along the lines of market masters being secretive, I think that was
unusual for Gann's generation. I think I mentioned in an earlier post about
now deceased friend Renato (Reno) Alghini,
who took the Gann course when Gann was still alive. Reno told me that he had
well known
market technician Marachal (sp?) at the CME. Marachal had a reputation of
drawing so called
Gann lines before and better than Gann. On many occasions, he could forecat
exact price of the Dow Jones Industrial Average well in advance. So, for
Reno was able to sit at lunch or over coffee with Marachal and listen to the
guy talk. After several days of this, Reno's curiosity was greatly piqued.
asked Mr. Marachal a question. Marachal glared at Reno and never spoked to

       Things have gotten much better during the past 20 or 30 years in
to the political correctness of Astrology. Despite the more enlightened or
you like tolerant trend, probably a fair portion of the people on this list
think I am crazy or eccentric and want nothing to do with Astrology. You
believe it?  I have spent considerable time trying to show Brent and all
light". I have proof that what I have said about Gann's Astrological
is true. Yet, very few have contacted me to pursue this path of knowledge.
know this post may sound like a commercial, but I am truly sincere that if
want to study Gann, you have to learn Astrology. If I make a buck on it, it
coincidental and probably will only partially reimburse me for the time I
spent on this list trying to help people. You are welcome to try to learn on
your own too)

> I'd say that there is AND isn't a lot of interest in Gann. Most are
> interested but easily put off when confronted with the mysteries of Gann.
> Most traders, and I would include myself would like to sit back with an
> automated system and wait for it to beep at them telling them what to do.
> Most of Gann analysis doesn't lend itself to that kind of thing. You have
> to work at it.

NW: Oh really? You mean you have to work at something to be competent and
make a living at it? No one is gonig to hand you a check for the amount you
requested? What a surprise! (good natured sarcasm intended)  So, what if you
a Doctor with the above attitude? Doc: "Yes, I guess we're gonna have to
operate. Let's see now, did I do any studying about brain surgery? Oh well,
let's schedule you for next week?"  <G> Is there any profession that doesn't
require considerable work and study in order to generate a good income?
wrote that studying the markets is no less demanding that studying to become
Doctor or Lawyer, who  spend seven or eight years gong to college and then
several more years to learn their profession. The best ones, once in their
profession, never stop studying and practicing.

         Another factor is that those who are most successful LOVE what they
doing. Ask the top people in any profession and they will probably tell you
they would do what they are doing for nothing and getting paid is just an
additional bonus.  If you don't love researching the markets and seeking the
truths of the universe, you should immediately put all your market books,
especially Gann books, up for sale, and consider another avenue for making
money. I have heard that one can get a nice 9 to 5 job, get paid, and one
doesn't have to love the work.

> While I think that Gann is a great place to start learning about that kind
> of analysis, unfortunately he is not around to ask about the finer points.
> Could someone discover something about the markets that Gann didn't know?
> think so. Also I don't doubt for a moment that Gann knew a few things that
> never went into print. My suggestion to those wanting to learn about Gann
> to read Gann's books first. Then if interested go into other things.

NW: My suggestion is to learn Astrology FIRST before you ever pick up a Gann
book. Would you
read a Greek philosophy, written in Greek, with no knowledge of Greek?  In
same vein,
Gann wrote in a very cryptic style to cover his "esoteric" understanding of
markets. His knowledge of Astrology permeates all of his writings, but it is
done in a covert and cryptic fashion. What good is it to waste your time
Gann tell you that it would be a good idea to know the incorporation date of
a company, then give the key dates,  if you can't erect a natal chart and
which planetary aspects were driving the stock price of that company? Most
people would read Gann's suggestion, thinking it odd, and just keep reading
without doing any research.

       I was very fortunate to having accidentally studied Astrology for
years before I ever heard of Gann. Then, someone showed me a copy of one of
Gann's courses. I read a couple of pages. My first amazed reaction was,
this sounds alot like Astrology!"  No one had told me anything about Gann
I read those pages. It was several years later that I found the proof that
was an Astrologer. Because I was already trading successfully based on
Astrology, I spent my time learning Gann's more peripheral methods,  the
most people think are the main thrust of Gann, i.e. Gann wheels, Gann lines,
squaring ranges, and other charting methods. I have tried just about every
method to which Gann alluded. I have traveled "the path". I didn't have to
this. I had already tasted considerable success before I ever found Gann,
Elliott Wave, etc. just using my knowledge of Astrology. I followed the path
because I felt that it may help my trading. But more so, that it was
a grand spiritual adventure in that I was gaining understanding of how
everything in the Universe is related.



> Brent
> > Vaugh002@xxxxxxx wrote:
> >
> > > Of the several texts that address Gann's methods , which does the best
> job
> > > teaching  the subject .  What are the groups thoughts ?  thanks  tom
> vaughan
> >
> >   Tom,
> >
> >      Here is my Gann test. If the teacher doesn't know Astrology, they
> don't
> > know Gann. That should
> > eliminate a good portion of the Gann teachers and authors.
> >
> >      Here is my Gann tip. Don't bother trying to learn Gann until you
> a
> > very good foundation in the basic principles of Astrology.
> >
> >     You are welcome to contact me by private e-mail if you have
> want
> > more information, or want to share some very funny jokes.
> >
> > Co(s)mically,
> >
> > Norman
> >
> >
> > P.S. You will need a good sense of humor if you want to study Gann's
> writings.
> > He loves to play with
> > your brain. <G>
> >
> >
> >