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I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Safe holiday.<br>
Also, the recent exchange regarding bonds has been fantastic, keep
up the good work.<br>
Finally, I will be leaving town Thursday 12/23 and will return
1/3/2000. If you have any questions regarding the Forum, please
contact Hyrum Paulsen (the list administrator) at
<font size=3 color="#0000FF">support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<br>
</font><font size=3>Thank you,<br>
John Boggio<br>
PS I have enclosed a copy of our Objectives and Directives statement for
your review.<br>
<font size=3>Below is our RT's statement... <br>
Realtraders, <br>
In an attempt to maintain a superior forum for the serious
trader/investor, please read the following: <br>
RealTraders's objective is to provide a channel of
communication in which the serious/professional trader can freely discuss
current market conditions in a timely and informative manner. The
primary topics of discussion includes market timing, futures,
stocks, options and mutual funds analyses. As well as discussions
regarding trading systems, books, methodologies and money
management. The forum should be considered as an educational and
learning tool and as such, <b><i><u>all posts should be
informative and useful to a majority of its
members</b></i></u>. With your help, these objectives
can be met, and the success of this forum will shine on a daily basis.
In order to achieve our goals, the moderators of this forum
have derived a few policy regulations that we believe will best enhance
the quality of this forum. PLEASE READ, SAVE AND IMPLEMENT these
strongly recommended suggestions. <br>
For those looking to UNSUBSCRIBE or be REMOVED from our
server, please follow the directions below, NOTE: An abridged version is
always included with my 'signature': <br>
************************************************** <br>
1. Each and every post to this forum should have RELEVENT SUBSTANCE,
useful to a majority of its members. DO NOT send a post to the RT's
Forum just to see your own message 'on-line'. THIS IS NOT A 'CHAT'
FORUM!!! <br>
2. If you are going to post a message to the forum, be SPECIFIC and
COMPLETE with respect to the content of your message. This means
complete sentences and complete thoughts, so that everyone understands
the purpose and intent of your post. <br>
<b>3. Always be courteous and respectful to other members, and their
comments, in this Forum. Flaming <i>(attacking others with insulting
messages)</i> is very common on some mailing lists and has occurred here
in the past. However, going forward, it will not be tolerated on
this list anymore. Culprits will receive a private message reminding them
of the list policy and firmly requesting that they stop. They will be
removed from the list if they persist. Further, rude or vulgar
language can not be tolerated and will also result in immediate
termination of your membership. <br>
</b>4. As a professional courtesy, please sign your messages at the
bottom of your post. <br>
5. Use VERY descriptive "Subject Headings" to introduce your
post. <br>
6 . In addition, we will also ask that you include one of the
7 abbreviations that best describes the content of your post. <br>
The 8 abbreviations are: <br>
STKS = Stocks <br>
FUTR = Futures <br>
MKT = Market commentary: US, Foreign, Stock and/or Bond <br>
OPTN = Options <br>
GEN = General TRADING RELATED Q's:Books,Systems,Programs, <br>
DAY = DayTraders <br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>
PSYCH = The Mental Process of Trading <br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>
FOREX = Foreign Exchange Market <br>
These abbreviations should PRECEDE your title
and should be CAPITALIZED. As an example: <br>
MKT - Technical Analysis S&P500 15minute 051599<br>
or <br>
FUTR - Bonds are forming an interesting pattern 5/15/99. <br>
We will do this in an attempt to assist ALL
members better find posts that they feel will be of most interest to
them. <br>
7. When responding (Re:'ing: ) a post, please "cut and
paste" ONLY the meat of the post you are referring too. <br>
8. Very Important: "THANK YOU'S" and non-relevant
"ONE-LINERS" or "JUNK MESSAGES" are NOT to be posted
to the group. Please send those messages to that person using their
PRIVATE EMAIL ADDRESS. Constant refusal to comply can result in
termination. <br>
9. Again, I repeat, each and every post to this forum should have
RELEVENT SUBSTANCE, useful to a majority of its members. Again, avoid
posting "Thanks you's" and "one-liners". I can
not stress this enough!!! <br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>Finally,
we have a strict advertising policy and as such, anyone interested in
selling a product or service, must contact one of its moderators before
posting anything through our system. This is done to best serve the
interests of its members. Note: If you have a website
in which you sell some form of product or service, you may post your URL
address below your signature BUT YOU CAN NOT MAKE REFERRENCE TO YOUR
********************************************** <br>
To leave RealTraders, you should send a message to
mdaemon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with the following in the message body (and
nothing else):<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab>unsubscribe
To change your subscription to the digest mode, send a message to
mdaemon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with the following in the message body (and
nothing else):<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab>set
digest realtraders<br>
To change your subscription to the non-digest mode, send a message
to mdaemon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with the following in the message body (and
nothing else):<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab>set
nondigest realtraders<br>
To change your email address or if you have other problems or
questions, please direct them to <br>
</font><font size=3 color="#0000FF"><x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab>support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</font><font size=3>.<br>
Final note: The digest format is unfortunately just as illegible
as it was before. We will be working on this problem, and will let you
know when it is resolved.<br>
Thank you for your time and your interest in making RealTraders the
best online forum on the Internet. <br>
Sincerely, <br>
John Boggio <br>
Hyrum Paulsen <br>
RealTrader's HomePage <br>
**************************************************** <br>
Moderator: John Boggio Boggio@xxxxxxxxx <br>
or Hyrum Paulsen </font><font size=3 color="#0000FF">support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<br>
</font><font size=3>***************************************************** <br>
RealTraders is sponsored by Kasanjian Reasearch <br>
Contact us at 909-337-0816 <br>
***************************************************** <br>
</x-html>From ???@??? Wed Dec 22 14:34:05 1999
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Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 14:08:20 -0500
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Subject: [RT] Re: Greenspan, Total Disregard for the Nation
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Boy, do I agree with you. I have a large stockpile of gasoline, food,
ammunition, and bottled water stored up for the Y2K disaster. Oh, and
don't forget that comet tail !! Wouldn't want to miss the only chance to
escape this Greenspan led end of the world thingie.
At 11:31 PM 12/21/99 -0800, you wrote:
>This Greenspan really amazes me in his total disregard for the people of
>this country. I just hope he is still alive to see the damage he has done,
>when the aged are on the streets begging for food and shelter, the riots
>and crime waves rage, thousands of banks fold, and this nation is brought
>to the brink of civil war over the economic collapse that is an absolute
>"The larger the lie, the greater the likelihood that the public will
>believe it." Adolf Hitler
>"Risk varies inversely with knowledge" Irving Fisher (1867-1947)
>"That which is about to fall, deserves to be pushed" Frederich Nietzsche
>"No price is too low for a bear or too high for a bull" Proverb
>"Every great robbery that was ever perpetrated upon a people has been by
>virtue of and in the name of law." Albert Parsons, on being sentenced to
>hang, 1886
>and last but not least, dedicated to the old fool Greenspan, Clinton's pet
>worthless lackey
>"A 'sound' banker, alas! is not one who foresees danger and avoids it, but
>one who, when he is ruined, is ruined in a conventional and orthodox way
>along with his fellows, so that no one can really blame him." John Maynard
>Keyes (1883-1946)