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Re: Honest Man

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-----Original Message-----
From: Gwenn Ael Gautier <Gw.Gautier@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 1998 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: Honest Man

Trouble is not finding the answers, it is remembering and applying them in
life, particularly in trading when things start to move too fast for you...


  Y'all (as the natives say down here in Ga) are mixing frames of reference
but curiously AN answer - as opposed to THE answer -seems to be on point; to
wit, when one's "operating principles - whether derived from a religious
source, a philosophy (say zen), experience, etc. become ingrained in one's
subconscious they become automatic, almost reflexive and do not require
conscious thought to affect behavior so the issue of the pace or speed of
external occurences becomes moot. The task is (after one is reasonably
certain that the precepts are valid) to implant them into one's pysche.
Repetition does this (along with positive feedback from using these
principles) as does meditation as I'm sure do alot of other approaches that
let one implant a "code" in the source of behavior.
  This is so whether one is looking for a code of conduct for life or
trading which are not all that dissimilar given that each arena has, or
should have goals, 'stoploss points',  the traps of ego and wishful
thinking, perceived rejections, the need to rebound from losses, etc.
Probably enough pre-opening philosophy for one day .
 Focus to all, Ken